Chapter One

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Ivorys POV

"Mother, father, please. When have I ever asked for much? You guys have extra money, but I don't ask for anything! I'm asking to play soccer and you guys don't have to pay. I already have my gear, and I can pay the sports fee, just please." My mother laughed. "Sweet heart, I don't know why you feel the need to kick a dirty ball around a muddy field. You probably wouldn't make the team anyways."

Little did my parents know, I snuck out sometimes to go to different soccer clinics. I would say I'm a very strong player. "Ivory, your mother is right. You have so much potential. Soccer is not for you." I clenched my jaw and sighed. "I'm a good kid! I do the little chores you ask me to do, I stay away from boys, I don't go to parties, I don't drink, I do amazing in school! And you guys give me nothing in return. All I want to do is play soccer." My mother sighed.

"We just want what is best for you." I shook my head. "Let me do this. If I don't make the team, I will give up on soccer for you guys. Please just at least let me try." My father nodded. "I suppose it wouldn't be that bad, but if your grades start slipping, you're done. Do you understand me?" I nodded. "I promise. Thank you guys so much."

I ran upstairs to my room and went to my room. It was September and I had until February to get myself ready for tryouts. I thought of ways I could prepare myself. I would need proper training, of course. I walked over to my dresser, pulling out a tank top and some sweatpants. I quickly pulled them on and cuddled into my bed, setting my alarm on my phone.
I soon drifted off into a sleep with nothing but soccer on my mind.


I woke up to the dog barking alarm I had set on my phone. I grabbed into and shut it off, setting my phone back down. I yawned loudly before rolling out of bed and heading into the bathroom that was connected to my room. Thank god its Friday.

I took a quick shower, making sure not to get my hair wet since I had washed it the day before.

When I got out of the shower, I pulled on some dark skinny jeans with a black camisole along with a red and black flannel. After that, I french braided my straight, chocolate brown hair. Then I slipped on my black vans. I unplugged my phone from the charger, shoving it in my pocket, then grabbing my bag.

Both of my parents had already left for work. I grabbed an apple and a bottle of water before grabbing my keys and heading to my car. I got into my old beat up, white, bug and headed to school.

I still need to find a way to get proper training. I could continue to go to those clinics but they always teach the same thing. I need to go above and beyond if I want this.

That's when an idea popped into my head.

I could ask Ryder. He was the captain of the boys soccer team. It was the boys season right now. Our school does this thing where the boys season is in the beginning of the school year and the girls was at the end. Maybe he could train me. We used to be best friends when we were younger. His parents used to baby sit me but Ryder and I just grew apart I guess. I still wanted to be his best friend, but he was moving on to bigger, better things.

I pulled into the parking lot and headed inside. I decided it would be best if I asked him today at lunch.

I headed to my locker and grabbed my physics book out since that was my first class. "Hey Ivory." My best friend Jackie said to me. "Hey Jackie. So, guess what? My parents are letting me tryout for the soccer team." She high fived me. " Fucking finally!" I nodded. "I was also thinking about asking Ryder, the boys soccer captain, to train me for tryouts." She smirked. "Quality time with another soccer nerd. Me likely." I rolled my eyes and playfully nudged her.

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