Chapter Eighteen

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Ryder's POV

I woke up to the sound of Ivory screaming. "Let me go! Please!" I pulled her into me and gently shook her. "Ives wake up. Come on baby girl." She woke up and jumped, and began crying. "I got you." I whispered in her ear. She climbed on top of me and held me tightly. "It was just a bad dream my love." I told her, gently rubbing her back. "That's thing Ryder. It wasn't just a bad dream, it really happened."


"I don't want to go to school. Everyone will stare and question me. I don't want their sympathy." I pulled her into my arms and kisses the top of her head. "I know kitten, but we have to go. I'll be there with you." She leaned her head against my chest for a minute before pulling away.

"Let's go I guess." I frowned as she walked away. I followed her out to my car. I pulled out of my drive way and glanced over at Ivory. She looked exhausted. I reached over and held her hand, gently rubbing her knuckles. "Hey Ives?" She looked over at me. "I love you." She smiled slightly. "I love you more buttmunch." I smiled and focused back on the road.

I pulled into a parking spot and looked at Ivory. "Hey look at me." She looked up at me. I rested my forehead against hers and gently kissed her lips. She melted into me.

I gently grabbed her cheek and rubbed under her eye. I pulled away and rested my forehead against hers.

We got out of the car and we walked into the main hallway. I had my arm wrapped around her and when people began looking at her and staring. She tucked her head into my chest and hid her face. I pulled her into my chest and rubbed her arm.

When we got to our class, I led her to the back of the class and sat down in the seat next to her.

Throughout the whole class period, I just watched Ivory the whole time.

At lunch, it was mostly Jackie and Cody hugging the life out of her.

She went back to soccer practice immediately but didn't walk to get a drink. She was a little slower than normal since her body still hurt a bit. I tried to get her to miss a few practices so she could let her body heal but she will do what she wants.

This time I made sure stay closer to her and watch her. She hunched over in pain for a minute before forcing herself to stand up.

Her coach walked over to her and conversed with her for a minute before Ivory nodded and grabbed her bags and walked over to me.

She dropped her bags and began crying into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and rubbed her back. "Baby girl, what's wrong?" She looked up at me. "That bastard even made soccer painful for me." I pulled her into me.

"I'm sorry kitten. Let's go home."

When we got into the car, she put her stuff in my trunk and sat down in the passenger seat. I looked over at Ivory before smiling and pulling out of the drive way.

She looked over at me confused. "You just passed home." I chuckled and nodded.
"I know." She raised an eyebrow at me and shrugged before leaning back in her seat.

I rested my hand on her knee and just let it sit there. She placed her hand over mine and gently pushed on my knuckles. "Where are we going?" She asked me. I smiled. "Well my love,
we are going out for ice cream." She lightly laughed. "Why?" I smiled.

"So I can get you to do that. Laugh and smile." She shook her head. "You don't need to take me out to get me to smile." I pulled into the parking lot for the ice cream shop and looked over at her. "Baby girl, you haven't smiled since you have been home. I understand why but I miss seeing you happy. It kills me to see you so upset and sad."

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