Chapter Two

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Ivorys POV

I quickly changed out of my day clothes and into my practice attire. I figured the best way to do this was to sit in the bleachers during the boys practice. Then I could work on homework and then just go out to the field when their practice is over.

I took out my math homework and began working on it. Half an hour later, I was done with my homework. Since there was still time, I decided to watch the boys practice. I focused mostly on Ryder.

He was indeed their best player.

Once everyone was off of the field, except for Ryder, I made my way down. He gave me a smile. "Hey Ivory." I waved, sitting down to put my cleats on. "Hey." He took a seat next to me, grabbing my cleats. "These are nice cleats." He told me. I smiled. "I had to work the whole summer just to get them." He nodded his head. "I know how that is." I gave a slight laugh.

"Aren't you like, loaded?" He shrugged. "My parents have money." I nodded. He smiled. "Alright, three laps. Hustle." I nodded and began running.

2 hours later

I chugged the rest of my water and looked over at Ryder. He smirked at me. "Givin' up yet?" I looked at him seriously. "Hell no. I feel great. This is what I want." He stared at me, head tilted slightly. "So you're not just doing this to spend time with me?" He said with a small smirk. I smiled. "Ryder you're cool and all but if it weren't for soccer we probably wouldn't be talking right now." He frowned. "So you're using me?" I bit my lip and shook my head.

"I didn't mean it like that. I just-" He chuckled. "I'm just messing with you Ivory. I know what you mean." When he said my name, I got little chills down my spine. That couldn't be what Jackie was talking about. Right? "Uh, alright. I should go." I picked up my bag. "Same time on Monday?" He gave me a smile. "Yes ma'am."

I waved before heading out to my car.
I unlocked the door and got in. I tried to start it, but all it did was sputter before it stopped. I leaned my head against the steering wheel, groaning quite loud. I grabbed my bags and made sure my car was locked before I headed home.

I began walking towards my house when I heard a honk. I turned around and saw Ryder. "Ivory get in the car." I gave him a small smile. "No its okay. I will be fine." Ryder rolled his eyes. "Ives come on." Hmm, Ives. I like that. I walked over to the passenger side and got in the car. I muttered a soft thank you.

"So, why don't your parents want you to play soccer?" He asked, focusing on the road. "Um, they just want me to maintain a perfect GPA and get into a good university. They don't think I should have time for anything else. Like all my electives are extra credit classes. They talked it out with my counselor so I kinda don't have a choice but to go to them." He shook his head.

"Do they let you do anything fun?" I gave a fake laugh. "The last fun thing I did was go on a friggin merry-go-round when I was seven." He gave a light chuckle. "Well, if you're going to be a bad ass soccer player, you need to learn how to have fun." I punched his arm softly. "Hey, I know how to have fun, I just don't tend to have fun much." He rolled his eyes.

"Alright. Well, we're here." He looked at my house. I looked down for a second before looking at him. "Uh, thanks again, for the ride." He smiled. "No problem Ives. See you tomorrow." I smiled. "No you won't, its Saturday." I went to close the door but quickly pulled it back open when I remembered the bet with Cody.

"Hey, actually tomorrow I am having my friends come over for a pool day. I was wondering if you wanted to come?" He gave me a small smile. "I mean, I guess. If you really want me there." I rolled my eyes playfully. "Psh, last time I decide to be nice to you." He chuckled. "Later Ives." I gave him a smile. "Later Rye Bread." Get it cause his name is Ryder, and there is rye bread. Okay, that was just beyond stupid. He looked at me like I was psycho before driving away.

I walked into my house, not bothering to announce I was home. Dad had already left for work, and mom was at some paint night thing. I grabbed an apple and headed up to my room.

For once I didn't have to worry about homework because it was already finished. Now I could shower, put on my pajamas and cuddle up in my bed with a bowl of popcorn while I watched Gossip Girl.

I grabbed my towel and headed to the bathroom.

Twenty minutes later, my hair was soft, my body smelt good, and I was comfy.

When I had finally gotten comfy, there was a knock on the door. Ugh. I got up and opened the door slightly to see who it was. "Ryder?" He looked at me. "Hey, what's wrong?" I asked him. I moved to the side so he could come in. He stepped inside and sat down on my couch.

He looked up at me before breaking down. He held his head in his hands. I ran over to him. "Ryder? What happened?" He looked up at me. "My dad hit me." I took a closer look at his face. He had a bruise beginning to form under his left eye, his lip was spilt and there was a purplish green bruise on his right cheek. "Oh my god! Ryder did he hit you anywhere else?" He pointed to his side. "He kicked me."

I grabbed his hand and helped him up. "Come on let's get you upstairs." He had a defeated look but still smirked. "No first date?" I rolled my eyes. "Not the time Ryder."

I pushed my bed room door open and led him to my bed. "Sit." He rolled his eyes. "I'm not a dog." I gave him a light smile and closed my bedroom door and locked it just incase my parents came home. I walked into my bathroom and grabbed the first aid kit.

I set it on my bed and pulled a chair over so I was facing Ryder. I took out a disinfecting wipe and dabbed it on Ryders lip. He looked up at me. His eyes were still red from crying. I pulled my hand down, away from his face. "Lay back." He laid his head down on my pillow. I rolled his shirt up and saw a big bruise forming on his side. I stood up. "I'm going to go get you some ice." He nodded and ran a hand over his face gently.

I rushed downstairs and grabbed some gel ice packs before heading back upstairs.

I handed Ryder the ice pack to put on his face and I placed the other one on his side. "Why did he hurt you?" He closed his eyes for a second. "I told him something and he had a problem with it. I argued with him, telling him that I needed to do this thing and he lost it." I frowned. "Does he hit you often?" He nodded his head. "Normally he doesn't leave bruises that way I can't go to the police."

My eyes widened. I grabbed my phone and motioned for him to stand up. "But I'm comfy." I rolled my eyes and helped him up. "I'm taking pictures of your bruises for evidence." He nodded and set the ice packs down. I took some pictures of his face and a couple of his side.

He laid back down on my bed. "Ryder, why did you come here?" He furrowed his eyebrows together. "I meant like, why did you come to me? I figured you would've gone to one of your friends about this." He chewed the inside of his lip. "They would make fun of me if I cried on their couch looking all beat up." I gave him a soft smile.

"You can sleep here if you want. I can go sleep on the couch." He shook his head. "I gotta go home." He said almost in a monotone voice. I shook my head. "I can't let you do that Ryder. Plus you would just have to come back down here tomorrow since your swimming with me and the friends." He nodded. "But I can't take your bed." I frowned. "But my parents can't know you're here."

He smirked. "Come on." He patted the spot next to him. I shook my head. "I'll sleep on the floor." I went to walk into my closet but I was pulled onto my bed. I made an umph sound. "Hey!" He just chuckled and rolled his eyes. "Go to sleep." He told me. I hit him with a pillow. "It's Friday and it's eight o'clock. I don't sleep until like two in the morning." He chuckled.

"Hey Ivory." He spoke. I raised my eybrows. "Hmm?" He smiled softly at me.

"Thank you kitten."

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