Chapter Five

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Ivory's POV

"Ives, come on. We have to get up for school." I let out a grunt. I heard his beautiful chuckle. He placed his lips on mine, causing me to wrap my arms around his neck. When I was sitting up, he pulled away. "Good morning my beautiful little kitten." I gave him a lazy smile.

"So what are people going to think when we get to school?" I asked him. He shrugged. "Let them think what ever they want." He captured my lips in another kiss before going to get changed.

I had got in the shower because my hair was gross and I needed to shave.

When I got out I realized I didn't have clothes. I wrapped my towel around my body and stepped out. "Ryder, I don't have any clothes." He handed me jeans and one of his flannels. I blushed. "I don't have any underwear." He chuckled before walking to his dresser and pulling out a pair of Calvin Kleins. I muttered a thank you before walking back into the bathroom.

I quickly pulled everything on and buttoned up the flannel. Even though these were guys clothes, it looked like a girls outfit. Plus it smells like him and it's comfy. I combed my hair out and French braided it once again, letting the loose strands fall.

I grabbed his toothbrush and brushed my teeth quickly. I then walked out and pulled on my converse. "I used your toothbrush by the way." He shrugged before smirking. "We share salvia anyways." I shook my head at him and looked at my cheek in the mirror. "It looks a lot better today. So do yours." He nodded and handed me my backpack and soccer bag. "Here you go kitten." I gave him a small smile and headed outside when I was approached by his father.

"Well, little Ivory is all grown up and trying to stick up for her defenseless boyfriend." I clenched my jaw. "Leave me alone." He chuckled and tilted my chin up. "You have really grown up. You actually have a nice body. Mm." I pulled my head away. "Don't fucking touch her." Ryder's voice boomed through the house. I pulled away from his father and waited for Ryder before heading outside.

I sat down in the passenger seat of his silver BMW. He climbed into the drivers side and started the car. He gently placed his hand on my knee and gave it a light squeeze. "Are you okay?" I nodded my head, ignoring the little tingles dancing up my leg.


When we pulled up to school, everyone stopped what they were doing and watched us. Ryder had us leave our soccer bags in the car. As we were walking people were muttering things.

Are they friends again?

Wow I never thought I'd see those two hanging out again.

Surprise. Surprise. The loser and the captain are besties again.

Since when am I a loser?

To prove a point, Ryder pulled me into his side and kissed the top of my head. I smiled to myself as we walked to my locker. I twisted the dial and shoved my bag in the locker, taking out my books for my first couple of classes.

"Can I kiss you in front of everybody?" He said quietly. I laughed at him. "I don't know. Can you?" He placed a small smile on his face before nodding and pressing a soft kiss to my lips. Jackie walked up to us. "Alright you idiots of the halls. Clearly they are together, so take your gossip somewhere else." I laughed at my best friend. "So spill, how'd it happen. Was it in the shower? Was his mom home? Was it in your pool?" I covered my ears while Ryder just threw his head back and laughed.

"We kissed! That is all! We didn't do anything that rhymed with Chex!" Ryder pulled me into his side. "Anyways. Where's Cody?" She frowned. "My bubby boo is sick at home." I smiled at Jackie. "Why don't you go kiss 'im and make him feel better?" She stuck her tongue out. "I love him and all but we all know if I don't have perfect attendance my mother will kill me." Ryder chuckled. "Anyways, I'm going to class early. Later haters." I waved to her and looked up at Ryder.

The Captains Kisses| (#Wattys2016) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now