Epilogue 1

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Hey guys! I would absolutely love it if you checked out my newest short story called Sweet Kissed. It would mean a lot. Love you all! Enjoy! I know this chappie is short btw.

Ryder's POV (5 years later)

I ran off the field and over to my wife. Ivory pulled me into a hug and pressed her lips against my cheek. "You played amazing buttmunch." I smiled and rested my hand on her pregnant belly.

"Thanks baby girl. I can't wait until this little one is here so you can start playing again. I miss seeing you kick ass." She laughed and looked over at Brandon who played on the same professional team as Ryder.

"Preggers! How's the babes doing?" He asked, referring to my unborn child. "She's kicking, a lot." I fist pumped. "Yeah. She's gonna be a bad ass soccer player just like her mommy and daddy. Aren't you my ladybug?"

Ivory laughed as I talked to her stomach. "Come on, let's go home. I'm tired and Cody and Jackie are supposed to come over for dinner tonight." I nodded and waved to Brandon as he jogged over to his girlfriend of three years.

I grabbed my bags and followed Ivory out to our car. When we got in the car, Ivory leaned her head back and looked over at me. "Ryder, our baby will be here in three months! Can you believe that?" I smiled softly.

"We are doing everything we said we would baby girl."

The Captains Kisses| (#Wattys2016) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now