Chapter Eight- Detailed Version

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Ivory's POV

His hands roamed under my shirt, gently squeezing my sides here and there. His lips moved down from my own, and he began placing tender kisses on top of my neck before working his way down into the crook of my neck. I tilted my head allowing more access to my neck. Ryder began gently nibbling on the skin of my neck, causing me to let out a throaty moan.

I could feel his smirk against my neck. My hands went under his shirt and he pulled away, letting me pull it off of him. He brought his lips back down to mine quickly before taking my shirt as well. He grabbed my hands, pinning them above my head. He placed soft kisses on the valley of my breasts and slowly kissed down my stomach.

His finger slid into the waist band of my sweat pants and he pulled them down slowly, teasing me. I glared at him. "You're a tease." He gave a deep chuckled and finally pulled them down. He placed gentle kisses on my thighs and gently massaged them. Ryder then bit the band of my underwear and pulled them down with his teeth. God that was hot.

He pressed his mouth against my now heated core for the second time. He began gently sucking on my little bud, making me tug at his hair. I let out a loud moan. He wrapped his arms around my legs, pulling me closer to him. His tongue gently licked me, causing me to gently press his head against me even more. I tilted my pelvis up, spreading my legs wider so he could have more access. He gently squeezed my thighs, darting his tongue out. I inhaled a sharp breath and threw my head back. He entered two of his fingers in me, gently curling them up as he pumped them in and out of me.

When I was close, he pulled away from me and smirked. "You fucking suck." I moved my hand down and began rubbing myself. Ryder just stood there, watching with lust. He inhaled a sharp breath I looked at him and gently slid one of my fingers inside myself. He climbed back on the bed and made me pull my hands away from myself, he didn't even let me finish. He climbed back on top of me, pressing soft kisses all over my body. I placed my hand on his hips and gently slid my hands into boxers pushing them down.

I gently pushed him back and got an idea. If he's allowed to put his head between my thighs, I'm allowed to put mine between his, right?  I looked at him before climbing off the bed and kneeling on the side of it. He looked down at me confused but soon realized what I was going to do.

I let out a shaky breath and gently took his member in my mouth. He sucked in a sharp breath. I gently swirled my tongue around his tip before taking more of him in my mouth. Ryder grabbed my hair gently as I bobbed my head up and down slowly. "Okay, you have to s-stop." I continued to gently tease him. When his grip on my hair grew tighter, I pulled away from him and winked. "I can tease to."

He lifted me up and laid me down on the bed before getting up.

He quickly grabbed a condom. Ryder stood at the end of the bed, letting me look at him before he climbed back into bed. He got back on top of me, setting the condom up by my head. Ryder looked at me seriously. "Put this on for me." His voice was raspy and sexy. I took the condom and started from his tip, and worked it down his length. He closed his eyes when my hand was around him.

He ran his hand over his length once, checking to see if it was on good. He gently pushed my legs apart, positioning himself between them. "Are you sure you want this?" He asked, brushing a piece of hair out of my face. "Yes." I said rushed.

He pressed his lips to mine, kissing me softly and sweetly. I grab his biceps as he pushed into me. I let out a scream, but Ryder's mouth muffled it. He pulled away from me. "Are you okay baby girl?" He asked, his voice sounding strained. I closed my eyes and nodded. "Hey, open your eyes." I opened them and stared into his eyes. "Just you and me baby girl. Look at me the whole time." I nodded. The pain that was there only seconds ago had subsided. I gently pushed my hips up against him, letting him know that I was okay.

This was amazing. Especially having my first time being with the one I love. It was like he filled me up. He is making me feel things I have never felt before.

Ryder pulled out and pushed back in a couple of times before speeding up his pace. He grunted. "Ivory." He grabbed my hands and pushed them above my head. He used his other hand and pushed my legs farther apart, him fully burying himself in me. "Ryder." His normally calm blue eyes now looked, intense.

He pulled out of me fully and flipped is over so I was straddling him. His big hands gripped my waist and he guided me down onto him. I placed my hands on his chest, letting out a loud moan. I began moving up and down on him. He grunted and dug his fingers into my waist gently.

I slowed down my pace, gently easing myself off of him before slowly going back down again. "Ivory." He said through a clenched jaw. I smirked and did it again. Ryder grabbed my hips and flipped us over again. "It's not nice to tease." He gently rubbed his tip against my bud causing me to whimper. He pressed his tip back into me before pulling back out. He pressed himself back into me fully and thrusted slowly, causing me to come undone. "Ryder!" I yelled. He didn't stop until he reached his climax as well. "Ives." He groaned before slowing his pace down and pulling out of me.

He pressed a soft kiss to my lips, then he buried his head in my neck. Our breaths were heavy and we were both hot and sweaty. I didn't care. Ryder got up and threw the used condom in the trash before laying back down with me.

I pulled the comforter over my head so I was completely under the blankets. Ryder did the same. He pulled me into his chest and gently rubbed my back. I let out a yawn. "I love you." I whispered. Ryder kissed my forehead. "I love you more baby girl." I gave a slight smile and wrapped my arms around Ryder's waist.

I pressed soft kisses to his chest, working my way up to his neck, gently nibbling on his skin. He chuckled and pulled me on top of him. He pulled me down so our lips would meet. I kissed him eagerly. He smirked against my lips before pulling his head back.

"Looks like someone is ready for another round."

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