Chapter Eleven

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Ryder's POV

I sat in the bleachers with the rest of the team. My eyes focused on Ivory. She was doing the warm ups that we did when I trained her. My jaw ticked nervously. Julian placed his hand on my shoulder. "Hey, relax man. She'll do great." I nodded. "I know, but she just wants this so bad. What if she doesn't make it?" I'm not doubting her, I'm one hundred percent positive she'll make it, but what if the coaches don't think that way.

Brandon chuckled. "Bro, she is better than some of the guys on our team. She will be okay. And is that a ring on your finger?" I chuckled. "Yes, it is. It's a promise ring." Julian made kissing noises. "I'm surprised she isn't pregnant yet. I mean you guys will probably get married before the school year is even over." Brandon said, jokingly of course. "Man shut up. When you find someone you truly love, one day you'll understand." With that, I turned my attention back to Ivory.

Right now they were just doing basic drills, and Ivory looked bored out of her mind.


I stood outside of the girls locker room and waited for Ivory. She walked out with her head down. "Did you make the team?" She looked up at me and had tears running down her face. I frowned and pulled her into a hug. She looked up at me. "Ryder, I made the team. I can't believe I did it." Then I realized her tears were from happiness. I picked her up and spun her around. "That's my baby girl!" She lightly laughed and jumped on my back. "Let's go home. And isn't it nice not having homework?" I asked her. She only nodded in reply.

Jackie and Cody were standing outside with big signs with Ivory's name on it. I chuckled and Ivory climbed off of my back and ran over to Jackie and Cody, hugging them. "You guys are amazing." Cody smirked. "We know. Well I know. Jackie tells me that every time we are in bed." I rolled my eyes at Cody and kissed the top of Ivory's head. "We should go out for pizza or something." Ivory shook her head. "I'm tired." Jackie frowned. "But, gah. You suck Ivory. We want to celebrate with you."

Ivory sighed. "Fine, only because I love you." Jackie smirked. "Yay!"

Ivory and I got in my car and headed to little pizza parlor not to far from school. She leaned her head against the window and looked at me through the corner of her eye. I raised my eyebrow. "What?" I asked softly. "I just really love you." I smiled and pressed on the gas when the light turned green.

Then bang.

Everything seemed to be in slow motion. The airbags popped out, hitting Ivory in her chest and stomach area. I got hit in the chest with it. I could feel the car soaring though the air. "Ivory!" I yelled as her head bobbled around, hitting the glass.

The car hit the ground and rolled more. When we stopped we were left hanging upside down. I cried. "Ivory. Baby. Please be okay." I felt little tickles of heat dancing around by my feet. I wiggled out of my seat belt the best I could and covered Ivory from the flames. I put my back towards the now growing flames. She couldn't die. Not like this. She doesn't deserve this. I placed a soft kiss on her lips and leaned my head against hers. "I love you so damn much Ivory."


I woke up and my eyes rolled around a little bit, looking back and forth between the people who were pushing my on a gurney through the hospital halls. I looked up at the doctors and nurses around me. "Ivory." I whispered. "Where's Ivory?" I asked before passing out again.

This time when I woke up, I was in a white room, with an IV in my arm and bandages around my back and stomach. I sat up but winced. I looked over and saw my mom. "Mom." She looked up at me. "Hey sweetie." I blinked. "What happened to me?" She wiped the tears that fell from her eyes. "You have second-degree burns across your back. They pulled you guys out of the car before the flames got to big. You have minor head injuries and I'm not sure if you noticed but you broke your leg." Ivory.

"Ivory. Is she okay?" My moms lip quivered. "Um, she just got out of surgery. She got it a lot worse then you did since you guys were hit on your side. She has a couple of broken bones, a head injury, and there was a lot of internal bleeding from what they told me."

"I need to see her mom. Please." I cried. Fucking stupid driver. "I'll see what I can do."

A couple of minutes later, a doctor walked in. "How are you feeling?" I shrugged. "My back stings and I'm sore. Can I go see my girlfriend?" The doctor gave me a soft smile. "We will have to put you in a wheel chair because of your leg." I shrugged. He looked at me skeptically before helping me get into a wheel chair. I have to admit, my back hurt and felt like fucking hell. 

They wheeled me to her room.

I looked at Ivory and began to cry. "Baby girl. I'm so sorry. Please just be okay." Her eyes opened. "Ryder."

I looked up and gave her a slight smile. "Thank god your okay. I'm sorry." I began crying again. The same Doctor walked in and looked in between Ivory and I. "Since you're both here, I have upsetting news. The impact of the airbag hitting your stomach, it caused your baby to pass away. I'm sorry." Ivory's eyes filled with tears. "I was pregnant?" The doctors eyes widened. "I figure you knew. I'll leave you two to talk. I will be back later to run through some checkups." I placed my hand on Ivory's belly.

"Ryder, we would've had a baby. Oh my god." I leaned my head against her and cried. "Ivory, I thought you were going to die in that car. I was happy to know that your alive. But our creation is gone." I ranted softly to her. My mother ran in the room and looked absolutely livid.

"The police just told me that some fucker hit you guys on purpose."

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