Chapter Nineteen

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Ivory's POV

Prom was coming up soon, in two days actually and to be completely honest, I didn't even want to go. I would rather spend the day with Ryder. I should talk to him about it.

"Hey babe?" I asked him. He smirked. "Hmm, babe? That's new. I like it." I smiled. "So, did you want to go to prom?" He shrugged. "I was going to ask you but personally I would be fine with not going." I let out a sigh of relief. "Oh thank god." He chuckled and pulled me into his side. "So what do you want to do then?" He asked. I shrugged. "It's a four day weekend so maybe we could go camping or something." He smiled. "That sounds amazing."

I nodded. "So, I was looking at studio apartments and I think I found one. The rent is to bad, it's close to campus and it's the perfect size." He sat down on the couch next to me and his mom walked in. "What's this about a studio apartment I hear?" Ryder smiled. "Ives and I are going to move in together." A smile broke out on her face. "Really?" I nodded and tears filled her eyes. "You guys have grown up so much in the last year. I can't believe it."

Ryder pressed a soft kiss to my temple and rested his head on top of mine. There was a knock on the door and Eleanor got up to get it. Ryder gently bit my earlobe and began tickling my sides causing me to fall into a fit of laughter.

"R-Ryder. S-stop!" I said in between breaths.
He was now on top of me straddling me with a big smile on his face as his hands attacked my sides.

The sound of someone clearing their throats we both looked up and I saw my parents standing there. Ryder climbed off of me and helped me up. I ran a hand through my hair and intertwined mine and Ryder's fingers.

I walked over to them and stared at them for a moment. "Ivory. We are sorry. We never wanted you to-" I raised my hand, cutting them off. "Don't bother with the apology, what you did is unforgivable. You don't shun your fucking daughter for doing something she loves. Do you even know what I have been through these past couple of months? I've been through hell! I was in a car accident that caused Ryder harm, and both of us lost a child that we didn't know existed, Ryder's father has been an ass, and I was kidnapped and held hostage for almost three weeks!"

Ryder had let go off my hand because I was talking with them. Tears of anger and hurt had worked their way out of my eyes. "And it's all your fault! If you would've just allowed me to do what I loved. The only good thing that came out of this is my relationship with Ryder. So please, take your shitty apologies and shove them back up your ass."

My mother stood their with her mouth opened, and my father had his jaw clenched. "Young lady, you were not raised to act like this." I gave him a dry laugh. "You guys are sucky parents. Eleanor has been a better parent then both of you combined could've ever be." My mother stepped forward and went to smack me but Ryder gently grabbed her wrist. "Leave my house right now." Ryder said sternly.

My mother looked at him with wide eyes. "I will report you, you shouldn't have laid your hands on me." Ryder gave a chuckle. "I'm pretty sure that in the end you would be the one with the fine or behind bars. I wouldn't have been. I didn't not physically harm you, I stopped you from conducting an act of child abuse." She pulled her hand away from him. "But I didn't hit her in the end."

Ryder shook his head. "Even though you left no marks, if we were to report what happened, there would be a whole hell of a lot of investigation going on. Believe me I know. I was abused by my father. Now, get the hell out of my house before I bring the police into this."

He picked me up bridal style and carried me upstairs to his room. He set me down on his bed and grabbed a bag and began packing clothes. He then grabbed a backpack and ran downstairs before running back up. "What are you doing Ryder?" He smiled.

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