Epilogue 2

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Ivory's POV

"Mommy! Mommy! Where's daddy?" My four year old son, Tyson, asked while jumping up and down. I shrugged and smiled down at him. "I don't know kiddo. Want me to help you find him?" He nodded his head and began looking around our house.

I smiled when I heard his laugh upstairs. I quickly jogged upstairs and into my bedroom. "I have you son! And you're never getting him back. The tickle monster never surrenders!" Ryder playfully yelled.

I laughed and looked at my son who was laughing due to Ryder tickling him. "M-mommy! H-help me!" He said in between laughter. I ran and jumped on Ryder's back.

He grabbed my leg with one arm and turned around with Tyson in his other arm. Ryder pressed a kiss to my lips and then kissed Tyson's cheek. "We found daddy, mommy." I smiled and poked his belly. "Yes we did."

Ryder put Tyson and down and he ran out of our bedroom. Ryder smiled. "Tonight is our date night. And our anniversary." I smiled then nodded. "Cody and Jackie should be over soon."


Ryder and I were currently sitting on the beach. "Hey Ives?" I looked over at him. "Yeah?" He leaned forward and kissed me deeply. My hands wrapped his neck and his were on my waist.

When he pulled away, I pulled out a little box, anxious to give it to him. "What's that?" He asked.

I smiled and handed it to him. "Happy anniversary boo bear." He took the box and opened it. When he looked in it, a huge smile broke out on his face. He pulled out the pregnancy test.

"You're pregnant again. Oh my god. This is great." I laughed and pulled him into a hug. He kissed my lips softly. "I love you Ivory."

"I love you more. Now give me another kiss captain."

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