Chapter Sixteen

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Ivory's POV

Right now we were at a fancy restaurant with Jackie and Cody. "So how is Ava?" Jackie smiled sadly. "My little baby girl is getting so big. She can eat baby food now." I smiled. "I'll have to visit her soon." Cody nodded. "She misses her godparents." Ryder smiled.

The waiter came by and smiled at me before looking at everyone else. "Are you guys all set to order?" Ryder nodded. "Yeah, could I get the chicken Alfredo?" The waiter nodded. Jackie ordered some pasta of some sort and Cody order a steak. And what did I order. "Could I get an order of chicken strips?" The waiter looked at me like I was crazy but wrote my order down anyways.

He walked away, leaving us to our conversation.

Dinner mostly consisted of talk about graduation, college, and Ava. When we had finished our meals, Cody looked at me and I nodded. I then gave him a reassuring smile. He turned to Jackie. "Jackie, I need you to do me a favor." She looked at him and smiled. "What is it?" He stood up and got down on one knee. He pulled out a black box and opened it. "Jackie, will you marry me?" Her hands went over her mouth and she had tears in her eyes. "Oh my god. Yes I'll marry you." She held her hand out and he happily slid the ring on her finger.

He stood up and they shared a kiss. Everyone around the restaurant began clapping. Ryder gave my knee a gentle squeeze, causing me to clench my thighs. He chuckled and gently massaged my leg. He knew what he was doing.

He knew he was making me hot and bothered. I took a deep breath and focused on my best friends. "Did you two know about this?" Jackie asked. I smiled and nodded. Ryder inched his hand farther up my leg. "Y-yeah we knew." I covered up my stutter with a cough and took a sip of my drink.

Ryder smirked and drew little circles on the inside of my thigh with his fingers. I took a deep breath and laid my head on Ryder's shoulder. I reached my hand over and gripped his thigh about two inches away from Ryder junior. He tensed up and took a drink of his soda. Cody looked at us weird. "You guys are acting strange." Ryder chuckled. "We're just happy for you guys."

When we got back to Ryder's house, nobody was home. Ryder picked me up bridal style and carried me to the bedroom. He set me down and pressed his lips against mine hungrily. His hands were roaming my body. He picked me up and gently placed me on the bed.

Ryder began placing gentle kisses on my collar bones, his hands caressing my waist. I unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off of him, the familiar feeling of his arms and muscles against my fingers. He pulled my hips up against him.

He pulled my dress down and threw it behind him. Ryder pulled away from me and moved a piece of hair out of my face. "You're so beautiful." He whispered before placing his lips back on mine.

My hands fumbled with his pants and eventually he just pulled them down and kicked them off of the bed.

I leaned forward so he could unclasp my bra. I slightly shivered when his finger tips grazed over my bare skin.

Soon his boxers were somewhere in the room along with my underwear. "I don't have a condom." He whispered with a clenched jaw. "I got on birth control remember?" He rested his forehead on mine and pressed a kiss to my lips before pushing into me. I let out a moan. He inhaled a sharp breath and pulled out slowly before pushing back in.

This time was different. His pace was slow and we kept eye contact. Ryder rested his forehead against mine and looked into my eyes deeply as he pushed into me again.

Ryder pushed his member in me completely, slightly tilting his hips up, making me let out a moan. "Oh my god Ryder." I said. His breathe began getting heavier. "You feel so good baby girl." I gently rolled my hips against him, causing him to grab the head board. I wrapped my arms around his neck and did it again. "Ivory." He moaned deeply. God his moans are sexy.

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