Chapter Seventeen

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The POV will be changing a little more than normal in this chapter.

Ivory's POV

"Let go of me!" I yelled at him. He just smiled evilly and gripped my wrists harder. "If I were you I would shut the fuck up." He began tearing my clothes off of me piece by piece. I cried. "Please don't do this. I will do what ever you want. Just not this. Please just let me go." My face was wet with tears.

"What the hell did I just tell you?" He yelled in my face. "Shut your fucking mouth before I fill it with something you probably don't want me to." I cried and turned my head, looking for a way out of this dark room.

There was no way out.

He began unbuckling his pants and he walked over to me, positioning himself in between my legs. "Please stop. I don't want this. You don't want to do this! Please!" I tried to push away from him but he just gripped my wrists tighter. "Stop fucking moving you ugly, worthless piece of shit." I let out a cry of pain when he entered me roughly.

Ryder's POV

"Mom I don't know where she is and it has been seven hours now. It's not like her to just disappear without leaving a note or sending a text or giving a call." My mom looked at me with sympathy. "I know sweetie. I'm worried about her to but we can't bring the police into this unless she has been missing for forty-eight hours."

I broke down and cried. "Mom, I know she's not okay. I know she's missing. She just randomly disappeared from practice." My mom walked over to me and rubbed my back. "Ryder I know. It will be okay. We will figure things out, we always do." I pulled away from my mom and gave her a weak smile. "I love you mom." She smiled. "I love you more."

I walked upstairs, to my room and collapsed on the bed. I grabbed Ivory's pillow, cuddling it into me, smelling her scent. I hoped to get some sort of comfort but received none. I cried into it squeezed it tightly. "Where is my Ivory?" I asked out loud. "Where is she?" I said. I sat up and ran my hands through my hair. She had to be somewhere close. She had to be.

I grabbed my keys and phone before rushing downstairs. "Ryder where are you going? Its ten o'clock at night." I nodded. "I know. I'm going to go look for Ivory." She gave me a sad look. "Ryder, I know you care about her, I do to but you can't go out right now." I gave a dry laugh. "Do you not realize that I can not sleep without her by my side? I feel like I can't function right without her around and knowing that someone could be hurting her right now, it kills me because I'm not helping her. I need to go look for her mom." My mother pulled me into a hug. "You have grown up so much Ryder. Go find her." I walked out to my car and sped down the road.

I checked everywhere. The park, restaurants, gas stations, I knocked on peoples doors, the school, everywhere and Ivory was nowhere. I pulled over and leaned my head against the steering wheel. Eventually falling asleep, in my car.


It has been two days and as soon as school ended I drove straight to the police station.

"What can I do for you today?" I stood up straight and looked at the officer. "I need to report a missing person." The officers eyebrows raised. "Have a seat over there." He pointed to his desk. I sat down in the chair and leaned forward. The officer sat down. "I'm officer Gerald's and I'll be working on this case with you." I held my hand out for him to shake. "Ryder Stevens." He gave me a firm hand shake.

"Who's the missing person?" I leaned back in the chair. "Ivory Jenkins. She's eighteen years old, 5'2, she has chocolate brown hair, and bright blue eyes." He nodded and typed something up in his computer. "This is her correct?" He had pulled up her file and should me a picture. "Yeah that's her." He nodded. "How did you come to find her missing?"

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