Chapter Twenty

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Ryder's POV

After hours of stressing, Ivory and I decided to look around and it turned out the car had rolled down the hill because I forgot to put the emergency brake on.

Ivory was laughing her little ass off at how funny the whole situation was. "Ives! It's been like two hours. Is it really that funny." She nodded and began talking in between her laughter. "We thought- but really- and it- we're stupid- it rolled- not stolen-" I began laughing at her incoherent sentence and shook my head.

"Alright, I get it. It's funny." I said, dunking myself underwater. When I came up, Ivory was looking off in the distance at the sunset. I smiled and stood behind her in the water. I wrapped my arms around her waist and rested my head on her shoulder. She rested her head against the side of mine.

"Will you just tell me what you want? Please?" I chuckled and kissed her cheek. "No can do kitten. You'll find out very soon. I mean, we do graduate this week." She huffed. "Fine you buttmunch." I smiled and picked her up out of the water before dunking both of us back under.

When we both came up, she straddled me and pressed her lips against mine. I smiled against her lips and gently cupped her face in my hands.

I pulled away and kissed her forehead. "Want to go back up to the tent, change, and then lay on the top of my car so we can look at the stars?" She nodded and head excitedly.

I carried her up to our camp spot and handed her a towel. She dried herself off before going in the tent and changing.

When I walked in, she was standing in her sports bra and some sweat pants. I smiled at her. "How are you so perfect? Like you don't even have to try." She shook her head. "Babe, have you looked in the mirror?" I chuckled and changed into basketball shorts and shirt.

She slipped on a tank top and pulled her damp hair into a bun. "Let's go." We walked out and over to my car and climbed on top of it. I looked over at my universe as Ivory gazed up at hers.

The whole time we were here, it was about us. Nobody else. Nobody here to ruin our moments, our laughs, or anything. Right now, this is where we existed at the moment.


Graduation day

I looked over at Ivory and rolled over so I was hovering over her. I began pressing soft kiss against her collar bones. "Ryder. Stop I'm sleeping." I chuckled. "It's time to wake up. We kinda have to be at graduation." She groaned. "Maybe you shouldn't have kept me up all last night and I wouldn't be tired." I rolled my eyes playfully. "Oh come on, you and I both know you enjoyed the hell out of it."

She used all of her strength and pushed me out of the bed and on to the floor. May inform you that I was naked.

My bedroom door swung open and in came my mother. "Rise and shine you two!" I covered myself. "Mom! Ever heard of knocking?" She laughed. "Sweetie, I've seen your little hot dog many times. I am your mother after all, and I did change your diapers." I ran to the bathroom and slammed the door. "I am nineteen years old now! It's not little!" I heard Ivory start laughing.

I sighed. "Ryder, you can come out now. It's safe, I promise." I stepped out of my bathroom and grabbed some basketball shorts. "You and my mom think you're so funny, don't you?" She nodded and began laughing. "Your mom said little hot dog! God that's great." I smirked and raised my eyebrow at her. "You know for a fact it's not little." She blushed and flicked my forehead. "You naughty boy." I rolled my eyes and pulled her out of bed.

"Let's get ready for graduation my love." She walked into the bathroom to shower. I smiled and ran out of my room to the stairs, and slid down the banister. My mom saw me and laughed slightly. "You are still such a kid." I shrugged. "Pretty much. So where's your lovely husband?" Dennis walked in the room. "Here I am." They shared a kiss, which caused them to fall in to their own little world. So I chuckled to myself and ran back upstairs.

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