Chapter Twelve

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Ivory's POV

My mother and father came to visit me. "How could you have been pregnant?" My mother asked with her voice raised. I have had it with her. "Um let's see. There's this thing called sex and yeah, I had sex with Ryder. Big fucking deal. That was our child that we lost." My mother glared at me.

"That thing in your stomach was not close to being a child, not even a human." I just stared at her. "So I guess all the people in the world weren't ever really children? Huh? Don't you dare tell me that a living human that was in my belly was not a child. It was as human as anyone else in this world and it died! And because someone hit us on fucking purpose! You are nothing but a cold hearted bitch if you say that your dead grandchild isn't human." Ryder wheeled in the room.

"You two need to leave, the doctor doesn't want her under a lot of stress and that is all you two cause when you are around. So please leave." My father looked at Ryder in disgust before leading my mother out of the room. I held my hands in my head and cried. "She baby girl. It's okay." I looked at Ryder. "It's not okay! I won't be able to play soccer because of this. I lost our child because of this. You're whole back is covered in burns because of this. It is not okay Ryder!" I yelled.

I began breathing heavily, not being able to catch my breath. My body began convulsing and I blacked out.

Ryder's POV

"Ivory!" I wheeled out of the room. "Someone, please help! Get the doctor!" I wheeled as fast as I could back into Ivory's room.

"Get him out of the room!" Someone yelled. "No. Let me back in!" I said as someone pushed my wheel chair out of my room. My mom ran over to me and pushed me back into my room. I bursted into tears. "Mom, why the hell is this happening to us? Ivory and I? We didn't do anything." My mom sat in front of me and held my hand gently.

"Sweetie, I don't know. Both of you are amazing kids and it pains me as a mother to see my kids like this." I felt the corners of my mouth to twitch up ever so slightly. "You consider her your kid?" She nodded. "She is going to be my daughter in law one day. Plus she kind of accidentally called me mom the other day and it just stuck." I nodded and looked up at my mom. "Can you let me know when there is news about Ivory? I really need some sleep." She gave me a soft smile and kissed my forehead.

"Get some sleep sweetheart." She helped me into the hospital bed and as soon as I hit the pillow, I was out.

When I woke up, Jackie and Cody were in my room. "Hey, we heard about the accident." Cody said. Jackie just leaned into Cody's chest. "Um yeah. Hey is Ivory okay?" Jackie shrugged. "They wouldn't let us see her but your mom might know." I nodded and smiled at Jackie's belly. "She was pregnant you guys." Their eyes went wide and I continued. "We didn't know and the impact of the airbag caused a miscarriage." Cody placed a hand on my should and gave it a light squeeze. "I'm sorry." I shook my head. "It's not your fault. Hey could you go get my mom for me?" They nodded and walked out of my room.

My mom came in five minutes later. "So her body was carrying to much stress and it caused her to have some sort of stroke or seizure, I can't remember exactly what he said. It messed with something in her body and the internal bleeding started up again." My eyes filled with tears. "A-alright. My back is hurting like a lot." She nodded and looked at me sadly before going to get the doctor.

Doctor Stephens came into the room with another nurse. "We should let it air out a bit since it has been in the bandage since you've arrived here. So we are going to take it off and you will have to lay on your stomach for a bit." I nodded. "Is there anyway that I can see Ivory before we do this." Doctor Stephens sighed. "She is not in a very good state right now." I nodded. "I understand that but you see, a couple of days ago I made a very serious promise to her that I would be there for her no matter what and I don't intend on breaking that promise." He smiled at me.

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