Asking Questions

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"Here's your room." Bruce brought Joker into a spacious bedroom with lilac walls and a bed on the ground. The outlets on the walls had cover boxes, and it looked like the bookshelf and wardrobe were nailed to the wall.

"What the hell- is this room babyproofed?" Joker asked, turning to Bruce.
He nodded.
"That's right, I didn't want you to break anything."
"Why would I break something??"
"I don't know, you're the Joker." Bruce sighed. "Go in. Did Batman tell you how long you're staying?"

"Um, no?" Joker scoffed, going further inside the room. "I'm pretty sure I just got fucking kidnapped."
"You're staying five days." Bruce said. "And however long it takes you after that. And we're going to help rehabilitate you, try to show you the good in the world. Maybe you can become a good guy."

Joker laughed, and looked around for something to throw at Bruce.
"Never." He said, sitting on the bed.
"We'll have to see about that." Bruce said, and left the room, closing the door.

Joker heard a lock from the outside.
He jumped up from the bed and pounded on the door.
"HEY!" He shouted, punching the door. "Open up, Bruce!"

Nobody responded, and Joker pounded again. He sunk into a ball on the floor.
It took around thirty seconds for him to spot a security camera, which blinked red.
Joker smiled and waved at the camera.

"Helloooo, Batman." He said. The camera turned off again, and Joker sighed, looking around the room for maybe a telephone. There was a bathroom inside of the bedroom, but he didn't see a phone anywhere.

Suddenly the door opened, and in walked Batman with a pile of clothes, and laid them on the bed.
"Joker." He greeted. "How was your rehab with Bruce?"
"Most boring shit ever." Joker said. "Can I get a telephone?"

"No." Batman said.
"Why?" Joker pressed, walking over to the clothes and holding a white shirt up to his body.
"Because I said so." The Bat replied.
"I just want to go home." Joker said. "I don't like being alone."

"I'm here with you." Batman said. "Let's talk about stuff. Therapy sessions, Y'know. I had to go through a lot of those."
"I don't ther-ah-pah-zize." Joker said, throwing the shirt back on the bed.

"That's not a word?" Batman said gruffly. "Come on. Or do you want me to make you talk?"
"I dunno." Joker smirked. "We are greatest enemies."

"Flirty, I see." Batman said. He sat down on the bed.
"You're a cutie." Joker giggled.
"Not interested." Batsy grumbled, cracking his knuckles, and sitting down on the bed. "What's your favorite color?"

"Purple and green." Joker said. "Obviously."
"Two colors?" Batman asked.
"What's wrong with it?" Joker scoffed. "And I assume your favorite color is black?"

"Black actually isn't a real color. It's a shade. My favorite color is blue."

Joker blushed deeply. "You're kind of smart."
"Mhm." Batman said. "Now your turn. Ask me a question."

The Joker thought for a moment, and reluctantly sat down beside the Bat.
"What's something that makes you really angry?"

"Hm. I don't like when certain villains wreck the city." Batman grumbled under his breath. Joker laughed. "My turn. How do you view yourself, Joker?"

"Um.. I don't want to get poetic, Batman." Joker said, and Batman shoved him hard in the shoulders, making him laugh.
"Do I scare you?" Batman asked. "Alfred told me you said you laugh when you're nervous."
"No, you don't scare me." Joker lied, his body stiffening up.

"So answer the question. How do you see yourself?"

"I don't really see anything." Joker said. "Do you mean body image, or how I see myself in my mind?"
"The latter." Batman said.

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