Chapter Fourteen "Not A Normal Bomb"

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~* Venus's POV *~

I scavenged the ballroom for the ticking bomb. I was running back and forth, looking for it. People stared at me like I was crazy. Oh well... they'll be grateful later.

I looked inside a vase full of flower and frowned when I noticed there was nothing. I stopped to think for a moment. If I was Liam, where would I put it? He would put it in a place that wouldn't be my first place to look for. A place where it's not obvious...

The boiler room or the roof top. Those two places are where it should be hidden, knowing Liam. I dashed through the hallways, trying to find the room. This Opera House is quite big I have to admit.

"Venus?" I stopped running and glanced behind me. Ciel stood there, walking towards me. "Where are you going?" he questioned. Where does he think I'm going!? I'm trying to find the bomb, idiot.

"Summon Sebastian," I interrupted his questioning. I need him. He's not as useless as the pampered Earl. Ciel called Sebastian. The butler appeared in front of us before I could even blink. Demons have enhanced speed...

"Yes, master?"

"Liam probably planted the bomb on the roof or boiler room. I need you to go to the roof while Ciel and I go to the boiler room," I told the raven butler. He nodded before turning to Ciel, asking for permission. The Earl nodded, ordering him to go to the roof. Sebastian bowed, and then left us.

Ciel and I made a run towards the room. We needed to get there as quickly as possible. I don't think anyone wants to die tonight.

"Aah!" Ciel yelped as he tripped over his poofy dress, falling to the ground. I sighed in annoyance. This is the second time this has happened!

I held my hand out for him to take, knowing full well he couldn't get up. He took it before I pulled him up. I kept a tight grip on his arm so he wouldn't fall again before sprinting through the halls. We descended stairs hastily, towards the basement.

We came across the door that read Boiler Room. We finally made it...

I pushed the heavy door open, using much force. Ciel and I scavenged the room, looking for the bomb. Where the hell is it!?

"Venus, I found it!" Ciel shouted. I ran towards the direction of his voice. He was crouched on the floor right beside the fire place. He pointed towards something. I followed his directions to see a bomb inside the fireplace, attached to the brick wall that surrounded the fire.

My eyes widened as I noticed the time left. Only one minute left! We have to work quickly.

I stuck my hand in the fire place but immediately recoiled as the flames grew larger, almost burning me. I narrowed my eyes at the fire. We need to put it out.

"Do you see water?" I rushed, looking around the room. Ciel found a bucket of water thankfully. He might not be as useless as I thought.

I dumped the water in the fire. I watched as the blue overcame the red in amusement. It was quite pretty at the moment...

Once the fire was out, I ducked my head in fire place, analyzing the bomb. I stared at it in confusion. This is not a normal bomb... the wires are different. I leaned closer, trying to get a closer look. I followed the wires with my eyes and noticed a pouch underneath it. I stared at the substance inside it. It was a clear liquid. I brought my nose near it and took a whiff.

I coughed loudly and jumped away. The coughs wouldn't stop making me kneel down, trying to catch my breath.

"Venus? Are you alright?" Ciel asked worriedly as he tried to help me up. My vision was getting blurred and then right then and there I knew why it wasn't a normal bomb. The substance was knock out gas. Liam plans to make everyone in the Opera House unconscious. Unfortunately, I don't know how to handle these kinds of bomb so I have no idea how to disassemble it. In other words, we are screwed.

"Ciel, listen closely," I whispered, my throat hurting. He leaned closer. "Run. Run now. When the bomb explodes, don't inhale at all."

"Why? I am not leaving you!" he protested. I glared at him.

"Any second now I will fall unconscious. It was my fault for not being too careful. Now go!" I ordered sternly. He shook his head, stubbornly.

Black dots invaded my vision and I knew it wouldn't be long now. I got light headed before I collapsed all at once. With that, everything went black.

~* Ciel's POV *~

Venus fell onto my lap. I stared at her in shock and worry.

Venus Faye wasn't what I expected. I thought I would meet a woman to have as a partner, not a child like me. What impressed me the most was her strong and brave demeanor. I've never met someone like her. She has captured my interest to put it simply.

Most girls her age would blush and look down once they meet my gaze, knowing my rank in the system. But Venus, she does not care. She treats me like a normal person which I don't get often. Well, normal enough.

I am not leaving her here. There is no way I would do that to a partner. And it would damage my reputation if anyone found out...

There was a loud popping noise from the fireplace before a gas like fog exploded all over the room. I tried not to breath, knowing that it was dangerous. Venus only sniffed it and now looks what it had done to her.

I lifted her up in my arms and started to walk blindly. I could hold my breath as long as I want. I am a demon after all and we have no need to breath. Venus was surprisingly light which gave me a slight advantage.

"Sebastian," I called. He appeared before me, a hand firmly placed on his chest as a sign of loyalty.

"You called, my Lor-" Sebastian was cut off by a loud gunshot zooming past us. I snapped my head in that direction to see a man with a rifle, aiming at us. I noticed that behind him were more men and the man named Liam. It seems that Venus and Liam know each other. They all had a gas masks on.

"How are you still conscious?" Liam demanded. I smirked, knowing I had to upper hand. He didn't know what we were.

"Shall I take care of this?" Sebastian questioned, smiling slyly.

"Yes, do it swiftly," I agreed. Sebastian took a step forward, ready to attack them.

"Wait a moment," Liam muttered. I stared at him expectantly. He seemed to be thinking about something before he smiled, a knowing look in his eye.

"You two are demons, aren't you?" Liam guessed. My smirk faded and Sebastian stopped dead in his tracks. How did he know? "Judging by the look on your face, I'm correct."

Sebastian and I exchanged glances before turning back to the Dark Knights. I narrowed my eyes at them suspiciously. He knows...

Liam tsked teasingly before speaking.

"Venus is going to be so pissed when she finds out the truth about you two."


Author's Note-

Dun! Dun! Dun! Liam knows their dirty little secret... but how? Will Liam tell Venus or use it as an advantage?

I updated early like promised. For those of you who are waiting for the update for Elusive Spider, I'm sorry for not updating! I'm having writer's block but do not worry! I will think of something :)

Please vote and comment. I may not reply to them but I certainly do read your comments. They bring a smile to my face!

Until next time, bye!

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