Chapter Two "Emo Venus"

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~* Venus POV *~

"Lily, can you get me some information on Ciel Phantomhive?" I asked in a bored tone. She looked at me in surprise. Her voice held disbelief as she asked. "You're talking to me?"

"No, I'm talking to another Lily," I responded dryly. She stared at me in confusion. "But there is no Lily other than me," she murmured to herself. She's useless. I'm going to regret asking this.

"Yes, Lily, I'm talking to you," I stated the obvious. She grinned before hugging me. "This is the first time you've talked to me!" she squealed in excitement.

I roughly shoved her off of me before dusting my long sleeved purple shirt. "You're so mean!" she stated with a pout. I sighed in boredom.

"I'm going to ask you one more time. Can you get me some information on Ciel Phantomhive?" I asked. She nodded before mocking a salute. "Consider it done!" she exclaimed before running off. She's too bubbly for her own good.

I wondered back to my office before continuing the making of the sugar cube tower. I stared at the sugar cube in my hand before popping it in my mouth for breakfast. A knock came from the door. At least some people have the decency knock before entering. "Come in," I said before placing the last sugar cube on the tower.

My partner, Liam, came in with a smile on his face. "Wipe that smile off," I snapped at him. He only grinned wider.

"How's my emo Venus, today?" he asked playfully. "I'm not in the mood, Liam," I grumbled before rubbing my temples.

"What is wrong?" he asked worriedly. I instantly masked my frustration with the look of boredom. "Nothing," I stated my dull eyes boring into his worried ones. He sighed in frustration.

"Why do you always hide your emotions?" he demanded. "No, idea what you're talking about," I said while looking through some papers.

I felt his gaze on me as I read through some of the cold cases we had in the past. "This guy is obviously guilty," I stated. He looked at the paper before frowning. "How? He looks innocent," he said. I read the lines to him.

"It says here that, 'The suspect is innocent. Another case like this happened a month ago. I believe that it's the same person'." I recited. "So?" Liam asked, not catching on. I sighed in annoyance. Sometimes I think I'm the only smart person and everyone around me is dumb.

"Whoever wrote this was the accomplice of the suspect. I know that because every writer has to justify their answer while this writer avoids the question and makes up another solution." I stated. "Who wrote this?"

"Andrew Jones."

I went to my file cabinet and looked through the writers who justified these answers. "No such thing as Andrew Jones which means it was an alias," I stated.

"I'll be back with this so called Andrew Jones," he said before leaving the room.

I sighed once he left. I went through more cold cases and solved 10/10 cases. I have to pack a bag because I'm going to be staying at the Phantomhives for a while. I popped another sugar cube in my mouth for an early snack. I was about to add another sugar cube to the tower when the door slammed open, making me knock the tower over.

"I got what you asked!" Lily exclaimed with a lot of paper in her hand. "Took you long enough," I said, still mad that she made me knock over my tower.

"Hey, then why didn't you do it?" she asked. "Because I'm too busy," I stated keeping my answers vague. She handed me the files before grinning at me.

"Why are you so interested in Ciel? Do you like him?" she asked while making kissy faces.

"Stop it," I said sharply. She stopped and pouted. "You're welcome!" she shouted angrily before stomping out the room. She does this a lot. Which means she always forgives me. It's not like I need her forgiveness anyways.

I packed a bag full of sugar cubes before I was good to go. After packing, I started reading the papers on Ciel. My skimmed through the paper but stopped once I reached his parents. "His parents died in a fire," I read out loud. What a bore. I thought there would be something interesting.

I looked through the next paper and found it boring. The paper talked about how he had to kill his own aunt. I've done worse. I frowned when I read the next paper. He was sold after his parents died. He was tortured while he was held hostage. "How did he escape?" I asked suspiciously.

I glanced at the time and sighed. Time to go. I snatched my bag before walking out of my isolated office. A carriage was already waiting once I reached the outside. I stepped inside the carriage before the carriage started to move. Just another case to solve...


Author's Note

I know.. it's boring. I just wanted you to know her attitude and her personality. She's very bitter and mean but she's smart.

I promise that her bitter personality will make the story even better later. And her personality will probably change during the book.

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