Chapter Sixteen "She Knows."

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~* Venus's POV *~

I leaned against the wall and kept a close eye on Liam who was currently tied up in a chair. We were in one of the Earl's hidden rooms. I fixed my glasses before pushing myself off the wall. I walked towards Liam, eyeing him cautiously.

I stiffened as he stirred slightly. He was waking up. His eyes opened before he squinted, the lights in his eyes invading his vision. He looked at his tied wrists in shock before tugging them, trying to escape.

"That will not work," I stated. He looked up and saw me. His glare softened, like he wasn't scared at me at all. This got on my nerves slightly.

"Well if it isn't Venus, my little sister," he mocked, a teasing smile on his lips. A wave of anger hit me as he called me his sister. Like hell I am.

"I am no sister of yours," I said coldly. The air felt heavy as Liam threw his head back and laughed. That only fueled my anger.

"That is true, but didn't Christopher call you his little sister?" he smirked. My eyes widened as he used my brother's name. It has been a while since I've heard it. The name of my brother struck deeply into my frozen heart.

"Shut up," I snapped before walking towards the door. He smiled proudly, knowing he had hit a nerve. I opened the door but paused as a voice screamed in my mind.

Stay with him! Untie him and let him escape! Angel shouted making a headache appear. I ignored the sound of her pleads and walked away, closing the door behind me. No! Go back to him!

I shook my head, trying to somehow shake her off. I hated how Angel keeps on appearing when Liam was the reason. Sorry Angel but I am never going back to him.

~* Ciel' POV *~

A knock came from the door. I suspected it was Sebastian. I had ordered him to search Venus's room, see if anything indicates that she knows we were demons.

"Come in," I called. The door opened to reveal my butler. He had documents in his hands making curiosity settle within me. He walked towards me.

"I have found quite interesting stuff in Lady Faye's room," Sebastian stated, handing me the files he had in his hands. I looked down at the documents in my hands.

I flipped through the pages, my eyes widening as I saw the word Grim Reaper. I looked up at Sebastian in surprise.

"She knows about Reapers?" I questioned, thinking about the gods of death.

"Yes. Continue though, it becomes more interesting." The way he had said 'interesting' made me wonder about what else she found. I turned the next page before shock settled in me. I stared at the paper in front of me in shock, not believing what I saw.

There was a file on demons.

I looked up at my butler, questions filling my mind. He nodded, confirming my thoughts. She knew about demons. Sebastian gestured me to keep on reading so I continued.

There was a newspaper article on the next page. My eyes skimmed over it. I noticed how there was a circle around the picture, probably drawn by Venus.

My eyes widened as I noticed who was in it. Sebastian was there, dancing with a woman. I looked at the date this photo was taken and glared. May 18, 1759...

I narrowed me eyes at the date before placing the document down. I sighed and ran my hands through my hair, a sign of stress. I looked up at Sebastian and the air seemed to have thickened as I spoke.

"She knows."


Lighting bolted through the air, followed by the loud boom of thunder. The lights flickered but nothing else changed. A storm was developing in the sky, forming the loud noises above and the bright bolt of lightning.

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