Chapter 10: Sienna.

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Soon your theory was confirmed. Art had another person or thing that helped him- Victoria Heyes, or someone that looked like her. Her eyes and attitude were different. That wasn't Victoria Heyes. Art quickly presented you, shaping your jester hat to look like horns. He wanted to express you were of the same nature as them. 

Heyes looked at you intensely. 

-"A living person? You think she can help us?" She questioned. You made an offended expression and crossed your arms. Of course you could help them. You could get them anything they wanted. 

Art nodded in reply, pointing at you and making a motion as if he had a badge. Oh, he was telling her you were a detective... Right. Maybe that's what he wanted from you. He then pointed at you, did stabbing motions  and then pretended like he was texting.

Oh right, the picture. You nodded before taking out your phone once again and showing Heyes the picture of your victim. You smiled proudly as you waited for her to say something. 

-"Impressive. Welcome aboard, officer. You're sure to be a good connection later on." She let out, allowing you to tag along with them. You stick your tongue out at her once she turned her back before putting away the phone once again. Before you did, you stopped one moment to stare at the picture of you and Art he had taken. 


You quickly turned it off before any of the two could see you staring at that. 

Before going to Sienna's, Vicky quickly explained to you for what they needed that girl. Shaw was an angel warrior. After Art's first death, a portal opened. The clown was pure evil when he was human, enough to call a demon's attention. A demon that brought him back to life and used him to be present in the living realm. Now the demon had taken Victoria Heyes as a host and wanted to take Sienna next, all to make sure they wouldn't be defeated. If taking another life meant Art could never be killed again... You would do it. If you defeated Sienna, he was sure to keep you around forever. Maybe.  

Wait, if you kept going down this path, you could attract a demon? Well, that sure was fun.

You nodded in understanding and followed them... There was a few people to take care of before visiting Sienna Shaw...

Breaking into the home of Sienna's aunt and uncle with a dead body wasn't as hard as you expected. You showed your new colleagues how to break in without making much noise. There were people in the house after all. Before doing anything, you signaled that you would take care of that, taking out your syringe from your belt before heading upstairs. 

Sienna was completely knocked out, probably because of medication... But her aunt was up. You carefully sneaked into her room and stabbed her neck with the needle before she could see you, making sure to cover her mouth as you did so no one else would be alerted. The liquid quickly made its job and Sienna's aunt fell asleep. You did the same with her cousin and dragged them both downstairs, tying one to a chair and hiding the other out of sight. 

You looked back at Art, who was crucifying the body of Sienna's uncle on the wall. You noticed his head was placed on the Christmas tree, replacing the usual star. You smiled as an idea crossed through your mind. You grabbed your blood sucker and walked up to Art, tapping his shoulder to make sure he was watching. You stabbed the body's arm and started filling small balloons with blood, wanting to use them as Christmas ornaments for the tree. Art loved the idea. 

Once the tree looked good enough, you inflated one last balloon with as much blood as you could. A gift for him, which he gladly accepted, putting it inside his trash bag to take it with him later. 

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