Chapter 3

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Semi edited.

~~~Lexi's pov~~~

I past the Winter Creek town sign and instantly get hit with a feeling of nostalgia.

I'm home.

Once I told my mom what happened she said if I didn't come home they'd come and get me to bring me home.

Thankfully I was staying at an apartment that belonged to my ex in laws, so I could leave anytime and didn't have to worry about a lease or anything, just gave her the rest of this months rent and I was out of there.

I drive down main Street and see all the shops are decorated for Christmas like they always are.

Winter Creek is like something you'd see in a Hallmark movie.

The picturesque scenery, adorable little town and wonderful people.

The town does stuff for other holidays, but it goes all out for Christmas.

It's almost perfect that my Christmas crazy mother moved to a Christmas crazy town.

If you're wondering, my mother is that Christmas crazy.

Every year my mother has the whole family participate in Christmas contests, not to mention all the outrageous decorations, inside and outside.

I won't lie that even though I bitch about it, I love seeing it all because it reminds me of home.

When I pull onto my parents street I see all the houses on the block decorated for Christmas.

I'm not even near my parents house and I can already see the decorations because my mother has a giant inflatable Santa, the size of the house occupying the front yard.

"Holy shit" I said as I pull into the driveway.

Like always she has Christmas lights strung up, a bunch of inflatables, and those retro blow molds, especially baby Jesus whose in the infamous manger scene that's seen better years.

I crack a smile at the thing because one year my brother broke the original baby Jesus and replaced him with a fucking pineapple.

I have no clue what he was thinking, but he was a teenager and didn't think things through property, but it took my mom until right up until the week before Christmas to notice.

We still laugh about that story.

I get out of my car and grab my bag  and when I slam the trunk I hear a scream.

I look in the direction of Hudson's house, and  see my niece looking at me wide eyed.

She grins. "Aunt Lexi!" She yells running over to see me.

She collides into me and I hug her back and I immediately notice she's almost my height.

What happened to the little blue eyed baby I held in the hospital?

"I missed you so much" She said against my hair.

"I missed you too sweetie."

I hear the front door open and then Olivia calling for me.

I brace for impact and feel her collide with my legs, almost knocking me down.

I hear a masculine chuckle. "Girls, try not to take your aunt out" Hudson said.

I lift my head and look in his direction, over the girls shoulder and see him standing on his front step.

I smile at him and he returns it.

He walks my way and when he gets to me he stops. "Ok girls, it's my turn to say hi to your aunt" He said.

The relase me and he opens him arms.

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