Chapter 3: Snow Is Here.

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"What is this?" I asked Chris as he came up to me. Chris took the sword and looked over it. The cold snow of the winter air was coming in harsher than ever.

"The Markings of Percy Ward."

"Are you telling me that Kelly is now working with the man that killed my parents." I had the suddne urge to throw the sword into the ground.

"It would appear so." Chris said and handed the sword back to me. He walked off to go find something to do most likely. I stood there looking over the sword and thinking about how Kelly could have turned against us. I gripped the sword tightly and it began to glow a white red color. I could tell it was burning.

I slammed the sword into the ground and the heat of the blade and the snow on the ground started to steam when they both came into contact with each other.

Everybody was leaving me for the dark side. I hated that idea. After staring at the cold sword with the weird markings. I made my choice.

I decided to go pay a visit to Leo's place. I knocked on his door and no one opened or said a thing. I opened the door anyways and looked inside.

It was nothing but wooden tables and chairs. Couple unlit candles and books. It was very neat for a man that I thought would be messy.

I walked in and sat down at the nearest table and saw the same markings carved into the table. I was beginning to get an odd feeling that Kelly wasn't alone in this. It would seem that Leonard was in on the plans as well. Then why protect me from the Rouge army

The whole thought was weird. Just yesterday I looked at them both like family. I was beginning to freak out and that meant I had to leave. I got up out of the chair and went to the door and Leo just had to be walking in as I was leaving.

"Alice?" Leo said as he shut the door behind him, leaving me in the middle of his house with no escape. I tried to stay calm as possible.

"Yea. That is me." I said worried that he might try to kill me. I placed my right hand on the hilt of my sword. I would draw it for defense if Leo tried to kill me.

"Why are you in my house?" he said and pull out his sword and pointed it towards me. I drew my sword as well to defend myself. I backed up as he inched closer to me.

"Your mother is working with an evil man. Percy Ward." I was hoping that he would still be with me. I was hoping that he wasn't working with my parent's killers. I was so hoping that he would help me defeat my family's greatest enemy.

"Percy Just so happens to be my mentor, trainer, and protector." He swung at me and I blocked it. Leo backed away from me and readied for another strike most likely.

"I trusted you, Leo. I choose not to kill you, but I will defend myself." I kept my sword ready to block anything he does.
After all, he has no clue about my magic.

"As princess of Cardos, I banish you forever. You are to never set foot back in Cardos for as long as you live. Not even your rotting corpse or spirit is allowed back. Leornard, you have betrayed this kingdom to the highest level of treason. Yet, here I am, in your home showing you mercy. You have until sunset or I will send the guards to kill you."

Leo looked stunned and confused that I just did that. I took the chance and walked out of the house and headed to the castle where I lived.

I walked all the way back to my room and ignored Chris along the way. I picked up my shield and tossed it against the wall. I was so furious about what was suddenly happening.

That shield was given to me by Leonard. I stared at it for a long time and it eventually began to move. It was like I was channeling a giant hatred and that hatred smashed the shield. It started to bend into a ball of iron. The once iron shield became the iron ball. I picked up the ball and walked it out to Chris who was sitting down at the table.

"Uncle. I did something with my mind." He was reading a book, but the moment I said "mind" he looked up at me and saw the ball of iron in my hands. He closed the book and set it on the table.

"With your mind?" He asked and he held out his hands to take the ball. I handed it to him and he placed it next to the book and looked at it.

"What is it?" He asked.

"It was the iron shield the traitor, Leonard gave me."

"This was a shield?" He kept asking questions. I just nodded and sat across from him.

"Leo is a traitor?"

"Yes, Uncle. He is. Just like his mother, Kelly."

The warning bell sounded again today. Me and Chris took a guess it was Leo. We were far from it.

I stood at the gates of Cardos with a bunch of knights. We dressed in armor with swords and shields. The usual archers stayed on the top of the walls.

We had a serious issue at hand. One of the greatest beings to ever live was at our walls. One of the greatest dragons ever. The mother of Cyrus. The red, orange dragon that my mother Claire had killed.

Snow was standing in the forest, over looking all the trees. The blue and white dragon stared us down. All of the knights had their swords ready. Some with spears. The archers were ready to nock their small sword arrows.

She opened her mouth and small blue flames came out. It must have been a signal, but what for?

I was head knight of my five knight team. Well, four now. Its me Alice, the leader.

Then Adelle, the medic and ched of the team. Whenever we go on quests, she is the most helpful.

I personally like these next two knights. They are brothers and we call them The Juggernauts. They work well together as expected and they have incredible strength. Alexander and Henry.

If Leo never left, he would be our quest strategist and scouter. Without him, our hopes of getting stuff done is all but gone.

Its up to me, Adelle, Alexander and Henry and the rest of Cardos to kill a dragon. One of the greatest.

"What's the plan, Alice?" Alex asked me.

"It's simple. We lead the charge and surround the dragon. She can't hit us all at once."

"Can't argue that...." Henry sighed.

"I'll prepare the med kit." Addele added in.

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