Chapter 14: Battle For Cardos (2)

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The villagers of Thunder Peake lined up in front of the cabin that sheltered us four knights. One of them was suddenly a wizard. It was me, Adelle, and three others. Alex and Henry were brothers and Alice was somewhat my sister. She was also the wizard.

She hid that from us for so long that when she was caught by me, we rejected her. The villagers lined up to tell her that it was alright. Alice didn't think so. She had packed her bag and left without a word. She ignored us on her way out and we planned to honor her.

She left and all around the village as we spent our day. Our most trusted friend was gone.

"Do you feel bad about it." Henry asked me. We sat in the home across from each other while we played chess.

"Of course I do. We were a great team. The five of us. Now three." I moved one of my pieces.

"Leo betrayed us all. Alice just kept a secret. Now she's gone most likely to retake Cardos for herself."

"She is not that stupid, Henry."

"Think about it. She has no family, her friends abandoned her and she is the heir to the throne. Her only family left is her uncle inside the kingdom. Where also the killer of her parents is. If I was Alice, in this situation. I'd fight for my kingdom."

We sat in silence and continued our game of chess.

"I feel bad for Alex as well." I said.

"Yea, he had great feelings for her."

On the night Alice left, we all gathered outside the dining hall and Alex gave a speech.

"We betrayed one of our own for a natural cause. It was destined that Alice got magic. Yet, we pushed her away. She has left without a word, but in this last year we all know her by now. She has left to retake her kingdom. There is nothing left for her. If she were to die trying, she would have died for no reason. I say, to make up for our lost friend, that we help her take back her kingdom. That we help the friend that we lost one more time if any."

The crowd was uneasy, but they lifted swords and spears into the air. Some lifted mugs and hammers.

"Good stuff, Alex." Henry said.

"Thanks. I just hope we are not to far behind."

We all left that night. Dressed in armor and ready for more than a war it seemed. We marched on over to Cardos. It was a three day trip, but we cut it down by a day. We cut through the yellow forest, which was infested with bees. Luckily none of them were around.

I saw this knight laying up against a tree. I went over to talk to him.

"Hello." I said and it shook him back to existence.

"Hello?" He said.

"I'm traveling to Cardos and you seem to be wearing armor made from that place. Why did you leave?"

"A young girl. She attacked me and my fellow guard. She spared our lives, but her movements and magic were just so incredible. It was the Princess Alice. If she ever re takes the kingdom, i'll gladly come back."

"Well, knight, we are marching there now to take back the kingdom. Care to join us?"

"Why the hell not."

The knight joined us and we walked all the way down to the entrance and ran in. The warning bell sounded and we started taking out the enemy knights. Me, Alex, and Henry had our helmets off. Any true knight would not attack us. That was the purpose. To keep our friends alive.

We battled all the way up to the castle entrance and ran on in. Something about this was easy.

I continued on with Alex and Henry and left the rest to defend us. We came across armored skeletons. We took them on, but one of them ended up using a two handed sword and it made it hard for us to attack it.

The skeleton would swing in wide arcs. We couldn't get to that skeleton with the sword in its hands. It was also the last skeleton.

"Triangle Formation!" Alex yelled and we formed a Triangle around the skeleton. With this strategy, one of us would attack first to distract the enemy. Then the next two would attack, throwing the enemy off balance from who to defend against.

Alex went first and the skeleton blocked his attack. Me and Henry went next and the skeleton turned to defend Henry. I got close enough to cut off the arms of the skeleton. Alex decapitated the beast and we moved on.

We got into the throne room and saw a whole wall collapsed over in a pile of ashes and fire.

"Check under that rubble!" I yelled out and we went and removed the debris piece by piece and our friend Alice was knocked out cold.

Alex carried her out to the medical room and laid her down on the table. The knights of Percy were all gone and our home was ours once again.

"What's her condition?" I asked the doctor.

"Burns across her face and arms. Her legs are a bit smashed. It is quite serious. She could be out for a long time."

I nodded and grabbed my left arm in pain. "I must have gotten hit earlier and not realized." I pulled off the armor and rolled up my sleeve and a huge cut was in my arm.

I stayed the night in the medical room with Alice. As I was about to pass out, a white light flashed from the room and disappeared. The same white light I heard about from Camelot.

I fell asleep anyways. The White Light was a source of something odd, but good.

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