Chapter 10: The One Closest To Me

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I removed my helmet and let the rain pour through my hair and face. I was about to cry harder than the rain was falling.

"Mom, I am so sorry." I hugged her as she could barely move.

"No, Alice. I am sorry. I can not give in for a second. I have to do my best to kill you and i'm not dead yet. You have to kill me."

The ice melted off of her arms and legs and she fell to the ground in pain. She held her hand over where I stabbed her.

"Make me proud." She said. She formed another sword in her hand and was holding two swords at once. It wasn't a correct fighting style, but the rouge army back home used it often.

I blocked all of her strikes and not wanting to throw my own. I had to finish her off or I can wait for her wound to get worse.

My mother cut me across my left leg and I fell to my knees. She dropped a sword and Lifted the lone one above me. She wasn't hesitant to end me.

The dragon's words came back to me. "You will have to defeat the one closest to you."

I threw myself into her and we fell to the ground. She dropped her sword and I sat on top of her. As much as it pains me to do this.

I got off of her and picked up the sword. My mother stood up and I could see she was healing herself. I used the sword and stabbed her through the heart.

She fell to her knees and began to turn pale. "I'm sorry mom. I had to do it."

"We had our reasons child. If I didn't fight back the skeletons would never have died. The rain would have continued."

"Just rest now." She fell over to the ground and was dead for sure this time.

I had to go back and fight the rest, but I felt something weird inside of me. The rain slowed and the lightning would last long enough in the sky for me to stare at it.

I walked back to the courtyard with everything so slow. The skeletons began to vanish. I saw the stone filled with blood clear into a brand new stone.

I came up to some knights struggling with wounds. The wounds healed and I was on my way. What had happened to me. I ran to Alex while I was in this magical state and hoped to see him get better. Only thing was he had no wounds only movements.

With everything so slow it would take a long time to see if he calmed down.

I just decided to fall asleep in a bed nearby.

I woke up and the room was empty. Alex's bed was empty.

I left and went into the dining hall where everyone was feasting and celebrating.

When I entered still wearing my armor, everyone cheered and welcomed me to sit down.

The king stood up and asked for his attention.

"It is clear who we thank in times of this attack. The one who countlessly put their life on the line to defend this kingdom. Alice Bennet. The Knight of Cardos."

Everyone applauded.

"One more thing. We all spoke of seeing this white light or glimpse at the end of the battle. Right before the rain had vanished. Whatever the light might have been. Magic or not, it saved many lives including the one we know as Sir Alexander. Cheers to the White Light and Alice Bennet."

"Cheers!" Everyone yelled and the sounds of glass banging against each other filled the hall on this morning.

The white light had to be me. I felt weird sitting inside Camelot. I had to leave. I left the room and no one noticed, they probably thought I was going to change.

I went out the horse stables and untied my horse. I got on it and rode off to where I had killed my mother.

She wasn't there. Not even a trace in dirt that she was dragged or anything. She disappeared. I went to make one last visit. The dragon.

"Hello?" I called out. The dragon wasn't in sight, but eventually he came down and landed in front of me.

"Hello Young Warrior."

"I have come to say goodbye and thank you for all the wisdom you have given me."

"You are very welcome. I am honored to have served for such a warrior."

"I have one last request that I would like to make."

"Go on."

"I would like to wipe the memories of all the knights here. I arrived here on a Wednesday. When Tuesday night comes, I will wipe their memories of me and Alex ever arriving."

"So what is it that you ask of me?"

"Don't forget the story of what happened here. You helped create it."

"I will keep the memory close."

I began to leave the cave.

"And Young Warrior?"

"Yes?" I turned back to see the dragon.

"The Knight of Cardos is always welcome. Farewell."

I left the cave and I heard the chains move, meaning he probably went back deeper into the cave.

I got my friends together and told them of my plan. They didn't like it, but they agreed to it. We don't belong in Camelot. We have a kingdom of our own back at Cardos that needs us more than ever.

On our way out on Wednesday morning, I asked a few people of the white light and no one knew what I meant. That means their memories were wiped. Sadly enough someone was caught using magic this morning. They were to be hung.

We left on our horses and saw a lone man walking by. I stopped my horse in front of him and spoke to him. He had dark kinda curly hair. Wore this weird thing around his neck.

"I'm Alice who might you be?"

"I'm Merlin. Do you know where Camelot is."

I pointed towards the big castle over the hill.

"I guess everyone knows about Camelot." He said.

"Well it is quite the place." I said.

"Alice, Lets let the guy go."

I turned to see Alex giving me the look. "Fine. May we meet again?" I held out my hand to the boy.

"You are an odd one. I'm Merlin." We shook hands and he was off. "Later Alice."

"How do you know my name?" I called out. He kept walking and I got back on my horse.

I rode off on the horse leaving the magical kingdom of Camelot behind, with a confused magician on his way to glory.

"Alice, do you know him?" Alex asked.

"I've heard a rumor. I think he will live up to it."......

"You let her live?" A man said and threw Leo against a wall. Leo bounced off the wall and fell on his face into the stoned floor.

"You wanted her alive. I didn't think she would kill her mother."

The man picked Leo back up with both hands and smashed his head into the wall.

Leo was still barely conscious.

"You brought her mother back! Do you know how powerful she is? If she realized what spell she was under, she could have broken it and lived again. If Claire and Alice were ever to team up we would be doomed."

"But Claire is dead again my lord."

"You will bring me Alice within the week. Or do you want to end up like your mother Kelly."

The man known as Percy Ward left the throne room of Cardos.

Cardos was no longer the castle the four knights knew of. It was a slaughter house for all those who opposed evil.

"Bring me the uncle!" Percy yelled.

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