Chapter 5: Once A Home Now A Shadow

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I stared at the castle in flames. Blue flames and smoke covered the sky. I started to tear up looking at it.

"Where do we go, Alice?" Alex asked me as we all stood side by side watching our home, friends and family burned by the dragon and Leonard.

"We go to Faldin." I said.

"Faldin?" Alex questioned.

"It's where my mother grew up. She said it was a lovely place until a dragon attack many years ago. It has been by far repaired by now."

We all slowly turned away from Cardos and placed our helmets back on. We carried our swords and shields as the last knights, last people of the Kingdom of Cardos.

We walked all night and saw the sun rising. We were all tired, one by one we sat down in the trees nearby. Covered by the shade and the first rest we had all night.

"We can't rest here." I said to my knights. "Faldin is nearby. We have to go."

"Alice, we all need a rest. Walking all night in battle armor and climbing hills. Takes a lot of energy." Said Alex.

"What do you hope to find in Faldin anyways?" Said Adelle.

"A home." I said and continued to walk to Faldin, leaving my friends behind. Of course they followed, but hated the idea of tireless walking. We were still days away on foot and all I wanted was to get there.

The sun was almost setting and we had walked all day again. We came to a lake with tall trees.

"All right, Adelle and I will get firewood. Alex and Henry, get food." They took the orders with no hesitation. I walked around the forest picking up sticks of wood and handing them to Adelle.

"I can't feel my body, Alice." I turned to Adelle to see her looking lifeless. Standing there holding all of the sticks. I took them from her.

"Why don't you make a spot for camp. I'll get the wood." Adelle nodded and walked away slowly. I kept picking up more wood.

I eventually went to go find Adelle and I saw her staring into the lake. "Is this where we will be sleeping?"

"Yea." She replied. "Did you get enough wood?"

"Yea, just in time too. The sun is finally going down."

She stayed silent and kept looking into the lake. I placed all the wood down and started making the fire. Alex and Henry hadn't come back yet.

"Adelle, you should sleep. I'll wake you when the food is done cooking."

"No, we are a family here. We share everything. Even the pain. I'll stay awake with you."

"Alright. Keep staring at the lake then."

Eventually Alex and Henry had returned with food and we started cooking right away. Poor Adelle kept fighting to stay awake and almost fell asleep while eating.

I took my turn at first watch, making sure no one would come up on us. I paced back and forth to kill time. I had to tell them I have magic. I decided to keep it secret.

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