Chapter 7: More Questions, Even Less Answers

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I pulled on the last of my armor and grabbed my sword from the table and walked out to the training grounds to have a battle against Prince Arthur.

I walked by multiple villagers who gave me weird looks. They must not have been informed of girls being knights as well.

I arrived at the training grounds and it seemed like every knight of camelot was here. Which wasn't true. Some knights were doing morning patrols.

I was stopped by a women with long black hair. For a girl, she looked beautiful. She wore a green dress, but carried a sword in her hand.

"Hello, i'm Lady Morgana, the King's Ward." She held out her hand. I shook her hand and greeted myself.

"So you are the Knight of Cardos?" She stared me in the eyes and it made me nervous a little. Her eyes were most of her beauty.

"Yes I am. Although the name better suites my mother, Claire. She was an awesome knight. I could never match her accomplishments."

"Regardless, you are highly welcomed here. Want to have a little sword fight before Arthur shows up?" She backed up and got into a fight stance.

"You are in a dress, my lady. One cut and I could ruin the whole thing. It be better if you wore armor instead."

"I suppose you're right." She stood up straight and lowered her sword. "Arthur should be here in a little bit. He doesn't have a servant. He could be a little picky with them. He just decides to do everything on his own."

"Who might your servant be?" I asked. I for one require no servants as well. Adds more for me to do.

"That would be Guinevere, or Gwen for short."

"Alright, my knights!" Arthur shouted walking up to the training grounds. "We will start with a duel. Alice Bennet of Cardos against me. Gather around."

The knights and Morgana made a circle around me and Arthur, making the fight arena. "Good luck, Alice." Morgana said. I turned to Arthur and put on a helmet a knight tossed to me.

We used only our one sword and no shield. I stepped near Arthur and swung at him. He blocked the swing and quickly backed up by pushing off of my sword as they came into contact. The push had me step back and nearly lose my fighting.

It was weird to be fighting someone as skilled as him. I normally fought the rouge army that would try to steal from Cardos.

He rolled passed me, which caught me off guard. I've never seen that before. He stood up faster than I turned around and his sword smashed into mine.

I lost control of my sword as it fell out of my hands. I kept my stance. If anything, I could disarm him back. He stepped near me and backed me up from my sword. He stood over it and swung at me.

I stepped to side of his swing and threw myself into him forcing us both to the ground. I got up and went to my sword.

He was way to fast for me. He tripped me up with his own feet and I fell onto the ground hard. I could feel my face being slammed against my helmet and ground. I felt his sword against my back.

"Good fight, Alice." I rolled over and he helped me up. I removed my helmet and rubbed my nose. I felt liquid on it and turns out I was bleeding badly.

Morgana stepped in and took away my sword and helmet

"I'll take you to Gaius right away." Morgana offered.

"Thank you, my lady." I said and looked at Arthur. My vision was blurred. "Good fight to you as well."

Morgana helped me to the castle and to a room filled with herbs and bottles. I've never seen this before. Although, Cardos did rely on magic, not science.

There was an older man sitting at a table messing with bottles. He hadn't noticed us.

"Gaius?" Morgana asked. The man looked over at us and must have saw my bloody nose first. 'Bloody' was an understatement. My whole nose felt like it was stolen from my skull.

"How did this happen?" He asked getting up and grabbing a rag from a bucket.

"She dueled Arthur. It was a nice fight indeed." She led me over to the table and sat me down.

Gaius came over with a wet rag and held it over my nose. It was bleeding badly and going all over my armor.

"Perhaps, but the nose looks broken in more places than I can see. What caused the issue?" He asked me. He pulled away the rag for me to speak.

"I got up to get my sword and Arthur tripped me up. I landed face down while wearing a helmet. It was a brutal landing"

He handed me the rag. "Keep the rag to your face until the bleeding stops. After that I can look further into it."

I nodded and put the rag back on my nose. "I'm Alice, by the way." I held out my hand to shake his.

"Gaius." We shook and Morgana smiled like she saw the greatest connection ever.

Later that night I was resting in Gaius' chambers when I heard a voice calling out in my head. It was guiding me somewhere.

I got up and walked around the castle, trying to figure out where this sound was coming from. It kept whipsering my name. "Alice." Over and over again.

I saw two knights guarding a room, or a long stairway. I used magic on them and made their metal heads collide and pass out.

I went down the long stairway after grabbing a nearby torch off the wall. I stood at the entrance to a cave where a dragon was waiting for me.

"I see you have finally come Young Warrior." The dragon spoke. It had this light brownish color. I've never heard of it before. Snow and Titus were suppose to be the last.

"Hard not to when you speak into my mind."

"You make a valid point."

"Why did you call me here?"

"Camelot is in danger and you have a role to play. You must defend this kingdom and defeat the one closest to you. The fate of this kingdom is in your hands for now."

"My hands. Who is suppose to protect Camelot when I return home to Cardos?"

"A young warlock named Emrys is not far from joining the lands of Camelot. He is destined for many great things, and many sorrows."

"Can you help me by telling me who the one closest to me is?"

"Oh, but you already know who that is Young Warrior." The dragon lifted its wings and flew upward the cave. Revealing that it was chained and trap in the cave.

"But I don't..."

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