Different kind of love

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Hello, so this is my first ever fanfic and I'm excited.
PLEASE tell me what you think, and if it doesnt get much i won't continue!
Thank you:)xx 

Zoe's P.O.V

"And I think that's about it for today" I said to the camera. "Yeah I think that's all" Alfie smiled. "Thank you so much for watching and don't forget to subscribe to Alfie, it would mean a lot" I grinned at the camera and turned to look at Alfie who was already looking at me.
And this made a lump form in my throat. Alfie laughed, and for a moment I thought he'd seen my venerability, but he said "awwwww thanks Zoe, but yeah it would really mean a lot, thank you so much guys byeeeee!" He turned and looked at me expectedly "um.." He was looking at me AGAIN, pull yourself together zoe. Now. "Umm..YES, thanks again..Byeeeee!" I smiled and waved goodbye at the camera and quickly turned of off.  
"Zoe..are you okay, you seemed a bit shaky at the end there" he questioned as soon as I'd turned to face him. Shoot, I knew he'd seen my reaction. "Err, no nothing, I think you're mind is not working properly Alfie, I'm perfectly fine. Silly!" I patted him on the head which was obviously the worst thing I could have done in this situation because it instantly sent a shiver down my body. And of course, Alfie saw. "Zoe, why you shivering, you seem on edge!" He had a hint of amusement in his voice which again made me worry if he could see right through me. "I'm fine.." I jumped up from the chair and started walking to the bathroom "Zoe?" He sounded alarmed. "Just going to the loo!" I shouted back. "Oh okay, sorry, thought you were running away from me" he laughed. "Haha, nope silly" I shouted back. 

I reached the bathroom and quickly locked the door and slid to the floor. Truth is I was running away from him. I don't know what has gotten into me lately but now Alfie always puts me on edge. He made my heart flutter and my stomach flip. What does this mean? Am I..do I..I think I do.. 

Oh..I think i'm a tiny bit in love with Alfie.  

But this can't happen. He doesn't like me a bit, he'd never see me in that way..And he's my bestfriend..."oh gosh Zoe" I whispered to myself. "Look what you've gotten yourself into this time. You know it always ends horribly" but this time, it felt different.

Thank you again, comments would help so much, thank youuu!:)xx 

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