Chapter 2

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Okay so I decided to add another chapter to see how it goes, comments, votes, anything will be helpful:-)!x

Zoe's P.O.V

"Zoe, come on, get up chummy" Louise opened the curtains which stung my eyes, instantly making me curl up. I made a grunting noise which she didn't take lightly. "That's it" she walked over to me and pulled the duvet off . " LOUISE, IT'S SO COLD, GIVE IT BACK." I looked at her and she was smiling. "You're dreadful chummy, I think you've got a problem. Now, come on, it's eleven and we've got to get ready for the PARTAYYY!" She giggled which made me grin. "Okaaay, If it wasn't your party I would still be sleeping. But fine" I jumped up to her and shouted " PARTY TIMEEEEE" which both sent us into fits of giggles.


"So how's everything with alfie?" Louis asked. We'd got up had some brunch and we were now blowing up some balloons and decorating the house ready for the party later on that day. Everyone was coming; Caspar, Jim, Tanya, jack, Finn, Marcus, Sam, and a bunch of other YouTubers. Including Alfie. "Oh..what do you mean?" I asked as if I hadn't just had a mini heart attack by just hearing his name. " don't give me that! I've watched you when you're with him, and it looks like you're about to jump with glee but also break down. Come on Zoe, you can say. Maybe be admitting it would help". She winked at me and I knew I couldn't hold it in any longer. "OKAY! Okay...well the truth is I think I may be falling in love with Alfie...but I'm scared Louise. Because its always ended badly, and Alfie's my BESTFRIEND. I don't want to ruin that" I said at million miles an hour. I sighed. Yes I was glad to get it off my chest To Louise, but saying it out loud made me realise how bad this situation was. " oh chummy" she smiled. " it will be okay. He likes you, he has to." She sighed and hugged me. Then a ballon popped and we both fell over from fright. " OH MY GOSH, THAT SCARED THE HELL OUT OF ME" I screamed. We instantly were in fits of giggles and stayed like that for a few minutes. "But you can't say or do anything. I'm just going to leave it and see where it goes.." I said to Louise who had an odd expression on her face." Okay chummy..RIGHT, lets get this house done or we will still be decorating by the time our guests get here" she giggled. "Okay chummy" I grinned. Something about Louise expression had changed once I told her not to do or say anything..was she planning something?! But no..Louise wouldn't do that! Hey she couldn't do that, I would see right through her before she tried! I wonder..


Thanks for reading, any comments will help!:-)x

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