Chapter 10

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Here's the next update;-)x

Alfie's P.O.V

It had been a week since my lips touched Zoe's on that beautiful evening. And I was missing the feeling so much. We'd kissed until our lips hurt and realised that we missed the whole dinner, so by the time we'd finished or shall i say worn ourselfs out, they were walking outside. We hadn't told each other how we truly felt which made me nervous, because I didn't know if Zoe loved me as much as I love her. We acted like it hadn't happened but every now and then we would catch each others eyes and almost kiss, but because only Jim knew, whenever someone walked in we had to quickly break our almost kisses, which made the tension even more excruciating.

But as time passes I get more nervous and scared that Zoe doesn't even like me. Becuse if she did love me, wouldn't she tell me how she felt? I thought she would.


Zoe's P.O.V

My smile widened as Alfie threw his head back laughing, we were making another video about love, it wasn't like the valentine tag, but just about love in general. And the tension was killing me.

"So we both decided to do a video about love, and we thought you would all enjoy it" Alfie grinned at the camera. "So we asked you all to ask us questions, so here they are. Okay Zoe, question number one. Do you think you can fall in love with your friend? Or better, bestfriend" while Alfie read this out his eyes widened and once he finished the question he gulped. Crap. Already the tension was rising and at this point, we won't be able to finish the video. I looked into Alfie's eyes and felt a blush rushed to my cheeks. "I err, yeah. I do really think that can happen" I swallowed hard, my throat dry."If anything, I would say it was better because your bestfriend is someone you can trust and cry, laugh, and enjoy time with. But also be in love. Therefore when you do fall in love, it means so much more" I said with a passion just because I was talking about Alfie. And he must have caught on too, because he was blushing but also looking back and forth between my eyes and lips. The tension was bubbling. "!" He said weakly. "You ask me the next question" alfie quickly said, looking at the camera, reminding me we were being videoed. He cheeks were hot, and his side smile beautiful. I sighed. He was perfect.

I looked down at the question and my heart stopped and quickly started to race. "This isn't a question about love it's more" I said and looked at Alfie who was now frozen. "Wha..what do you mean" he panicked. "It says, can you two read a part of a zalfie fanfic" I said my voice breaking at the word zalfie.


Short chapter, but boy you wait until the next chapter;-) hope you all liked it, likes, comments, anything would help

I would also like to thank you all because I wasn't expecting this many views. Hitting over 1,000 viewers has made me so happy.

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