Chapter 14

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Zoe's P.O.V

"Zoeeeee I'm hungry" darcy squealed as I walked into the kitchen. "Okay honey, here's some food" I giggled. I sat her down at the table and put her plate in front of her. She grinned and grabbed her fork in a parculiar way but didn't seemed bothered, and stabbed the small pancake and shoved some into her mouth. "Darcyyyy, smaller bites silly" I laughed. I walked to the fridge and poured myself some milk, and at that point Alfie walked in. Marcus had left late last night, wishing us well. He seemed rather smug and wasn't surprised me and Alfie were on edge. I mean he didn't know we were dating..did he..

I smiled at alfie and walked over to him. "Morning beautiful" he grinned and pulled me towards him and put his hands around my waist. "Morning handsome" I giggled and wrapped my hands around his neck and leaned in for a small peck, but Alfie, being Alfie, wanted more and as our lips touched he was firm on my lips but also soft. I smiled into the kiss and he smiled back. As we pulled apart darcy giggled "hehe you love each other" she squealed. We both laughed at her, and turned to face each other. "We do" we said in unison, we grinned and Alfie pulled me into a tight hug. Everything was perfect.


We had taken darcy to the park, then gone out for lunch. Me and Alfie were both exhausted and expected darcy to be aswell but she still had so much energy, so we took her to a pet shop just because she liked looking at the small animals. Over all it was a really fun day, and I could really get used to it.

When we got home it was already 4pm, and at this point darcy was tired. So we layed her down on the sofa and she nodded off.

"She's so peaceful when she sleeps. Just like you" Alfie whispered while he was looking at darcy. His Words made me blush. "You watch me sleep?!" I whispered back. "Of course I do, you look so beautiful and it's rather therapeutic just to watch you." He smiled at me, he was really telling what he thought. At this point my cheeks were on fire. ", thank you Alfie" I smiled and went to hug him, but Alfie pressed his lips onto mine. I didn't refuse and just enjoyed this sweet little moment. And to my delight, these sweet little moments kept happening quite frequently.

"Hungry?" Alfie said quietly" I giggled "I'm starving" Alfie grinned, grabbed my hand and led me into the kitchen.


"Thank you for dinner Alfie. It was perfect." I whispered softly to Alfie, as we closed darcy's bedroom door after we had taken her to bed. He giggled "you're very welcome beautiful". We walked into the living room where the sofa bed was pulled out and ready for me and Alfie to sleep in. I sighed and crawled into the bed. Alfie stayed standing and just gazed at me. "What?" I giggled. "You're so cute" he grinned. I laughed. Alfie then crawled into bed after me. We both just gazed at each other, and somehow we never got bored. Just staring at Alfie made me feel at home. Alfie then leaned in and our lips met.

At first the kiss was soft and slow, but slowly, it got deeper and longer. The tension from the last two days was suddenly rising at a excruciating pace. He wrapped his arms around me and I knotted my hands in his hair. His lips were warm and soft on my lips but also making them tingle. It was wonderful.

The kiss was now getting very heavy and things were leading to a certain place. We pulled apart and simply stared at each other to see if we were ready. He looked at me and simply said "are you sure?" His words made me think. It was a huge step to take..but, I was with Alfie. And it felt right. "Yes" I breathed and smiled at him. He instantly crushed his lips back onto mine picking up to where we had left.

The evening seemed To go on forever, and I didn't want to end the beautiful night.

"I love you zoe" alfie whispered to me. His words made my heart squeeze. "i love you too alfie, so much" i said back.

We fell asleep in each others arms, feeling at peace, and at home. Alfie was my home and heaven. And I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him.

He was perfect.

Alfie's P.O.V

The evening was perfect. And I couldn't think of anyone better to spend my life with. Zoe had made me feel special. And she was amazing.

I had a sudden urge to tell her how I feel, and realising I can now say how I feel freely, I did so. "I love you Zoe." I whispered to her, pouring all my emotion out. "I love you too Alfie, so much." She whispered back. Her words made me melt and I felt like the happiest person alive. No words described my feelings, and I didn't want that feeling to end.

Zoe was my world. And I want to spend my life with her. I'm just hoping she wants to, as well.


Okaaaayyy So there is another chapterrrr:D Hope you liked it! Please comment and vote if you liked it! And the storyline is going to pick up from here;-) setting very big.

Thank all for the reads. I love you all

And sorry for not updating, exams have been stressful-.-

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