Chapter 18

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Okay, so I read your comments and I thought about it, so thank you all so much for the feedback! Here's the next chapter;<3

Alfie's P.OV

It was the night of the party that all the youtubers were going to AGAIN. I had called Zoe to check if she was okay and then layed down on the hotel bed. I sighed . It was wonderful, she was wonderful. Everyone we told seemed happy and we WERE happy. But everything was just too perfect, and nothing stays perfect. Not even us.

I had thought about it. The memories that me and Zoe have had together and they were my best memories. But knowing now, that everything was happening, she was going bride dress shopping and we were looking at the date of the wedding, everything seemed to be going so fast. But I didn't have the heart to tell her. Because Zoe deserved so much more than this. We had worked so hard to get together and now that we had it, I felt that we were rushing, and I just can't rush us.


Zoe had came over and danced with me for a while, then asked if i wanted something to drink, and happily obliged. While she was turning, i felt a sudden pain in my head and everything started to go cloudy. I gasped and reached out for zoe, but i was already being swallowed by darkness. 

Zoe's P.O.V

I was waiting in the quiet room to hear the newsabout alfie. He had been in the hospital for over three hours now, and not hearing any news within this time, was making me nervous. I sighed and i heard the door open. A very attactive man walked in who looked about a year or two older than me. And he was a doctor, which immedietly got my attention. " Miss. Sugg?" he said, wanting to get my attention and then smiled, noticing he had already got it. "yes? alfie? is he okay? please tell me he is okay?" i gasped. He chuckled. "Calm down Miss. sugg, it's nothing fatal. Alfie's immune system just had a bit of a trip from all of the alcohol. But this means he wont be allowed to drink for a while" he smile sympathetically at  me. He was nice. Cute, even. ZOELLA SUGG, STOP. You're soon to be married to the man who's in hospital. I blushed to myself. " Thank god. I was so worried" i said, almost to myself. He sat down next to me and sighed. " I understand, but dont worry. It happens all the time." He smiled. And i felt better. "thank you..?" " Harry, Harry Palmer." he grinned. " Thank you harry" i giggled. 
"Is there any chance..I could have your number?" he asked nervously. I looked at him, and told myself i shouldn't. But me being me said " Of course. It's zoe by the way." I grinned. I got out a pen from my back and grabbed the nearest paper, and wrote my number. What was i doing? zoe stop. take it away form him. But i gave it to him despite my hesitation. " Here you go, call me" i said gleefully. "Of course, can't wait" he winked. "I'll see you soon zoe, make sure you're friend stays off the alcohol. It's been a pleasure" He giggled, and left quickly. I sighed. 
Zoella Sugg. 

Okay so a really short one. Now i'm sorry its not loads, and been a while, but I've been doing my GCSE's-__-
So someone requested different, so here's different. and there is still a long while to go. Thank you all. I love you all so much.<3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2013 ⏰

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