Chapter 7

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Okay so as promised a quick update^.^ thank you so much for the views!x

Alfie's P.O.V

After I'd ran outside last night I laid on the floor and refused to get up. And I'm still laying on floor with mist falling on my face making me sober up. I wasn't hungover I was just severely depressed.

"Alfie mate, come on get up" I heard someone say. I turned stiffly to see Marcus there. I turned back to face the sky and I closed my eyes, not bothered by my now moist clothes."alright then" I heard him say and Marcus laid down next to me. I smiled thinking how this could be classed as how the fans would say "a malfie moment". "Say something. What happened.." Marcus whispered. I cringed remembering the night before. But I needed to get it off my chest..I stood up and faced Marcus. "This goes nowhere because you're the first person I'm telling this to..Marcus..Marcus I'm in love with not just love as in be my girlfriend for a while, I mean LOVE, the stuff you see in films as cheesy as it sounds. The love you would feel if you wanted to MARRY someone, have kids and spend the rest of your life with. And..that's Zoe, Marcus. That's what I want to do. She's my bestfriend and I would protect her and love her till the day I die and beyond. But..but" I was now crying to my embarrassment but I carried on.."But she was there last night and..and kissing sam, and I don't know what came over me but I felt like I'd been hit by a bus because I swear to god it hurt SOO much Marcus. I realised in that moment that she would never be mine, she's to good for me. Her big, beautiful blue eyes, her long soft hair, her small body, her laugh, her hugs, OUR hugs, our phone calls..OUR memories...I realised that she wouldnt feel the same way and I now feel like..I could collapse and never get up, because I can't deal with hurts too much" I sighed and was now sobbing. Because now, saying it out loud for the first time made me realise how much, one girl, my bestfriend, means to me. I looked at Marcus and he looked like he wanted to tell me something, he almost looked like he was going to scream it at me...

Zoe's P.O.V

"I love him so much" I sobbed. "Why would I kiss Sam knowing I love Alfie" I cried. I looked at Louise who was now running to me and put her arms around me to embrace me in a comforting hug. "Because when you see the one you love, with someone else, you retaliate. But chummy" she sighed" Alfie wasn't with that girl. He met her ten minutes before you saw him. He was whispering her a goodbye probably, he must have been because he walked off after whispering to her and never spoke to her again!" Louise said. She looked almost sympathetic. But clocking what she just said I gasped. "WHAT? YOU MEAN I KISSED SAM..BECAUSE I MISINTERPRETED SOMETHING?" I screamed. I now jumped face first on the bed and sobbed even harder. "I'm an idiot. He deserves someone so much better then me"I grumbled into the pillow. I wonder how Alfie is..wait!"DID ALFIE SEE ME LAST NIGHT." I cried, facing Louise, who simply nodded. I cried but no more tears were falling, I was past the stage and now frozen. "How did he take it..he won't care anyway"..I said."oh chummy, if that's what you think you know nothing at all. He's in pieces. Look outside the window, on the lawn." Louise said sadly. I got up, confused, and went to the window, only to find Alfie laying on the floor..crying and looking like he was breaking down. I opened the window, wanting to get a closer view. I wanted nothing more than to jump out and hug him and never let go. I started crying again.

And then Alfie looked up hearing my cry.

And then we were just staring at each other. I was close to jumping out the window. Alfie was crying silently but still stating into my eyes. The tension between us even though we were quite far away from each other,was staggering.

"Alfie.."I whispered. And to my surprise he heard me. "Zo" he whispered back.


OKAYY, so there's a nice cliffhanger for you all^.^ hope you enjoyed the chapter, I will update as soon as I can:-)x

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