Chapter 6

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Okay so I decided to do the next chapter because my chapters won't be so constant after this because I've got exams:-( but I will update as soon as I always can!x and thank you so much for all the reads I wasn't expecting so many!

Marcus's P.O.V

"Okay, Zoe just went into the kitchen, and Alfie's over there talking to..Ellie I think. If we're doing anything, we've got to do it now Marcus" said Louise nervously. I looked over at Alfie and thought if he got close enough to the girl he was speaking to, it may look like he was interested. Which gave me and idea. "Okay, you go to Zoe and say Alfie looks like he ls going to do something with the girl or something, anything to make her walk in and look at Alfie. She'll get upset and retaliate. Once she retaliates ill get Alfie to go looking for Zoe..then he'll see her..and then we'll go on from there.." I said but was nervous because as much as we wanted alfoe and Zoe together, we were putting their friendship on the line...Louise nodded and walked into the kitchen to speak to Zoe. I watched Alfie and he was now getting up to dance with the girl. At this point Zoe came tumberling in look flustered, and she saw Alfie whispering to the girl and in that moment I saw Zoe's little world crush which made me feel horrible. She ran out of the room,obviously not wanting to see anymore. I looked at Alfie who was now walking away from the girl and searching for someone, and walking into the other room.

Louise's P.O.V

"Marcus" I gasped, making Marcus turn from shock. "Zoe's outside crying, I told her it will be okay and that she must have misinterpreted it but she laughed and said 'I wish' and got up and said 'I wonder if sam still likes me' and I told her not to go after Sam, but she ran off. WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO!?" I screamed.

Marcus's P.O.V

"CALM DOWN, this is what we WANTED! Her retaliating on Sam means we can get Alfie to see and open up on his feelings!" I said. I was sweating from the nerves and went to look for Zoe. I walked into the next room, and she was leaning in to kiss Sam. I could see she was smashed and was not herself. I ran back to Louise but she was gone. I searched around but Alfie came up to me and asked where Zoe was. Ah, okay, I need to lead him to Zoe.."um, I think she's in there mate" I said looking sad despite my efforts to look normal.

He ran into the room and I waited..and waited..and waited until he was running for the door..and CRYING. Oh doer.."well at least we know he loves her.." I sighed and ran for the door after Alfie.


Again a sad chapter and just a filler to see the others side of the story. Because it was just a filler, I'm going to try and update again for tonight because I'm alread working on the next chapter! The next chapter will involve Alfie's opening up :-)x

And once again thank you for readingggg!

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