Chapter 16

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Hey guys, I promised a new chapter sooner because I've been bad and not updated a lot recently!:-( so here's the next one, for all of you amazing people.

Zoe's P.O.V

"Zoeeeee come on, it's already nearly ten, and we need to get going" Alfie called. "I'm comingggg, just getting my shoes" I laughed. Alfie had planned a day out for us both. He had stayed a whole two days and decided he would stay longer. He seemed very happy lately, which made me smile. Nothing was better than to see my goofy, hilarious and handsome alfie, happy.

"Hurry up silly" he laughed back. I came rushing down the stairs, to see Alfie at the door. His hair looked different..and was somehow better. I loved his messy hair, but his new look just made a lump form in my throat. I gulped. "Y-you ready?" I stuttered. "Ready when you are beautiful, he grinned. Gosh, he was amazing. I leaned up to him and placed my lips on his for a long moment, pulled away and just smiled up at him. "I'll take that as a yes then?" He chuckled huskily. "Oh yes, I'm ready" I grinned. I couldn't help but think that my statement meant more then just ready to go, but for something more between us...


Alfie's P.O.V

"This ice cream is really good" I grinned to myself. Zoe laughed. "What's so funny?" I laughed. "Only you would talk to yourself about your ice cream" she giggled. "But it is! It's really nice!" "I'm sure it is" Zoe giggled.

We were walking down a beach, we had drove all throughout the morning, to a small place in Devon, called Croyde. It was beautiful here, And I was certain she would love it, and she did. "Thank you for taking me here, it's a beautiful place, I don't really want to leave" she said quietly. "Maybe you could move down here, or somewhere like here someday." I said to her. " I would love to..maybe sooner than I think" she said. This made me tingle, because I knew she was talking about me. I smiled, looking at the sun, which was now setting on the horizon, creating a beautiful range of colours reflecting on the sea surface. A truly spectacular sight. But I wanted to look at Zoe. I turned my head to see her taking in the view. She looked so happy and peaceful. And this made me calm, to know that I had made Zoe feel this way. This made me realise i was ready to ask her. i had quickly gone out early this morning to get her the ring she had pointed out a few weeks ago. She had wanted it everytime she had walked past the little shop, but said it was too expensinve, and it was silly because it was an engagment ring. so i got it for her, knowing She would love it.

She realised I was watching and turned to look at me too. She smiled at me looking into my eyes. "Alfie, what are you thinking about?" This made me smile. She somehow always knew if I had something on my mind. "I'm thinking about you zo.." I said quietly looking deep into her beautiful blue eyes.

Zoe's P.O.V

"I'm thinking About you Zo..." Alfie said quietly. This comment made smile. "Alfie..?" I questioned, wondering what was he wanted to say. "Zoe..Zoe I've been thinking over the last few weeks. About us. And what we are, and what we could be as cheesy as it sounds" he laughed. His words were making my whole body tingle. "And when I think about you, my beautiful, perfect Zoe, being with Another man, it makes my heart break. I can't let it happen. Zoe. You have changed my life. Since the first day I met you, I knew you were different. Your cheeky grin, your contagious laugh, your beautiful eyes, hair, and those tiny hands and feet of yours. Your were perfect. You ARE perfect. And, I can't think of anyone I'd rather be with.." Alfie was looking deep into my eyes and his words made me want to cry. I didn't deserve him. But he loved me, so I would give him all the love I could give to him. "So zoella sugg." Alfie said in a final way, which made me nervous but excited, he was reaching for his back pocket. "I want to spend every second with you. For the rest of my life. I want to call you mine forever, and raise a family with you. I want my life to be filled with you, and only you." He knelt down on to one knee making me realise what he was about to do. My whole body was close to shaking. Alfie looked up from underneath his long lashes, with tears in his eyes.His Crooked smile playing on his face. I started to cry, half with shock and realisation and half with joy. " will you marry me" he said in a beautiful whisper, opening the small box, to show the ring, which was beautiful, it was the ring I had always wanted. And Alfie had got it for me.

The sun was now directly in front of us, making this moment perfect. But I didn't care about how perfect the setting was. I just cared that Alfie deyes, was proposing to me.

I was now crying and all I could say was "yes. God damn it yes." I Said hoarsely. He grinned and placed the ring delicately onto my finger. He stood up quickly, grabbed my waist and pulled me into a passionate kiss. My lips moulded onto his, and I simply melted into his embrace. Never wanting this perfect moment to end.

I'm not sure how long we were there for, but my the time we pulled apart, hearts racing and foreheads together, the sun had nearly set completely. We grinned at each other, and I couldn't help but say "I can't believe you're finally mine. I love you so much Alfie truly." "Oh Zoe, I love you so much" he gasped and placed another kiss onto my lips, making my whole body jolt with passion.

Alfie deyes, was mine, and this made my heart squeeze. I had found it. The thing that was missing. I had found my world. And my little world,was my bestfriend, my love, my Alfie deyes.


Okay So what did you guys think? There's more to come guys don't worry;-D please comment vote or anything to give me some feedback, I love you all, thank you for reading

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