Chapter 9

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Okay so finally the sad-ISH bits over and I promised some real zalfie in this chapter, so here it goes;-)x

Alfie's P.O.V

"WEHEEEHHHEEEYYYYYYY BOYYSSS, YOU READY FOR NANDOS" Caspar yelled. I laughed loudly "of course we are, and I've booked the table, and asked for a more private area" I said, and grinned at Caspar. "Woooooo, private hey? For whom may I ask" Caspar winked. "Oh shut up" I laughed. "HAHA, FOR ZOEEEEE" he giggled. I just simply laughed, because they all knew how I felt about Zoe, and I couldn't lie any longer. I wanted to tell her because it was just eating me alive. The love I felt for her was growing, and when I thought it couldn't grow anymore, it did. So I can't lie anymore. And tonight, will be the night I will not lie to her anymore, tonight I will tell Zoe how I truly feel.


I pulled up to nandos with Caspar and Marcus in the car bellowing one dorection at the top of their Lungs. We waited for the others in the car and not long after they pulled up next to us and got out the car. I stepped outside and locked the car walking over to everyone. "Hello everyone" I smiled. And then I spotted Zoe. She had her hair down and it had a slight curl in it. Her eyes were still as beautiful as I remember, but this time seemed to shock me even more. She was wearing I pretty black dress with pixie dollies which made her look small but cute. She looked phenomenal. And I wanted nothing more then to pick her up and take her home with me."Alfie, hello?" Zoe smiled, I realised I was staring straight at her for a long time. I started to go red."oh..I, you look beautiful Zoe" I said before I could help myself. She was now going red which made me grin, she looked perfect."thank you Alfie, you look amazing yourself" she smiled up at me. Making me go even redder."shall we go inside?" I said to everyone. We entered the fairly quiet nandos and asked for our seats and sat down. And of course, I sat next to Zoe. Everyone was chatting and having a good time, but then tanya asked zoe innocently "so zo, are you still seeing that guy then?" and then my heart jumped because of what tanya just said. i swore she and her ex broke up.."haha, no we're not, that was ages ago silly" she giggled, and then her eyes caught mine and i just stared back feeling the tension creeping up. "OH, sorry, well, maybe you'll find someone new soon" she said hopefully, and zoe still had her eyes on mine and her face started to heat up "yea..yeah i hope so" and then she looked at my lips and then i looked at hers. I could hear our breath picking up in pace and the urge to kiss her was becoming almost too much. I stood up before i could jump on her and stated i needed the loo, and quickly turned and headed towards the toilets.

Zoe's P.O.V 

Alfie ran off, and i knew now was the time to tell him, because i wanted to. The tension was too much and i needed to kiss alfie.


I got up and went after him. But he was in the mens toilets so i couldnt go in there, so i walked outside and sat on the bench that faced the stars. I sighed and closed my eyes, remembering alfies eyes. "Zoe..."I heard alfie say. I turned and stood up quickly, electrified by hearing his voice,  and he looked almost out of breath but not from the running, but from the tension. And then he was walking towards me, looking in my eyes and then my lips. I started to walk towards him too, and the tension was becoming to much, and alfies lips crashed onto mine. And i found peace but passion all at once. His hands wrapped round my waist, my hands wrapped into his hair and the kiss was beautiful. I swear I saw stars. His lips against mine felt right, and all my denying about my love and lust towards him felt silly. Because this felt so RIGHT. I loved him, and his lips were warm and soft, but still crushing passionatly on mine. I pulled back to stare into his beautiful doe eyes, but he just grinned and crushed his lips back onto mine, and i didnt protest at all. 

"Zoe?! Alfie?!" Jim said.

oh dear. 
We pulled apart reluctently but quickly. Quick..think zoe think! "I er..can explain" i said. I was still weak from alfies kiss and still trying to process what just happened, because, the kiss confirmed that alfie liked me. And that made me giddy.
"no need guys..I guess im not suprised." he laughed." You two have always liked eachother but never really admitted it. Seeing zalfie infront of my eyes is actual rather special and kinda makes me happy. I'm just suprised it took you so long" He laughed. Jim didnt know that we werent together, but i guess we kinda were, we always have been. I laughed with him. "No one knows though do they? So just between us?" he grinned. We both nodded, still in shock from everything. And he turned and headed back inside to the table. I turned to alfie and he was walking towards me again. And my heart jumped. He leaned towards me and i jumped up and crushed my lips back to his, and his lips felt perfect, tangled together forgetting about the whole dinner and wanting to enjoy how good and right this felt and not wanting it to end. 

WEHEEYY they kissed finally :3 I promise more to come, dont you guys worry;-)x 

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