Chapter 3

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Okay so this is dedicated to @Bubblegum_xo because she made me smile like and twonk!:-)

Anyhoo hope you all like this one!:-)x

Louise's P.O.V

"But you can't say or do anything. I'm just going to leave it and see where it goes." Zoe quickly said. My face instantly fell but I quickly smiled to hide my disappointment. What on earth is she talking about?! ME, her bestfriend is expected to let her not do anything while I watch her crumble. I don't think so..I've got to help..but who would help in this situation?! And then it hit me.


I smiled to myself, but by this point Zoe was watching me and I could tell she knew I was thinking something. So I pulled myself together and quickly said "Okay chummy..RIGHT, lets get this house done or we will still be decorating by the time our guests get here" Alfie and Marcus are coming tonight..this should be good, I giggled to myself. "Okay chummy" she grinned, obviously thinking I was giggling because of my comment on how we were taking ages to decorate. But what she didn't know was that I was planning something, and she couldn't find out. Her and Alfie have obviously loved each other for ages, every time they're in the same room the tension is always just rolling off of each other. But what we needed to do was get them to admit it. Because Zoe deserves this, and so much more. And Alfie was sure as hell going to give it to her. Because we all secretly knew he wanted to give it to her more than anything.

Oh gosh Louise..this is going to be difficult..but it would be worth it, for Zoe.


Marcus's P.O.V

"ALFIE DARLINGGGG CASPAR DARLINGGGG WHAT ARE YOU WEARING TONIGHT?" I shouted down the hall. Tonight was going to be amazing, everyone was going! "Marcuuuuus" Caspar moaned, making me laugh. " don't speak to me I'm on the toilet! Look who's the slut now!" He laughed. "HAHA, okay sorry DARLINNGGGGG!" I laughed. I walked into the living room where Alfie was on his phone. "I'm not really sure probably what I was wearing the other night but with a different shirt!" Said Alfie. "Yeah same..who you talking to?" I grinned at Alfie. "Oh..umm just Zoe, asking if she was going tonight.." He looked nervous for a second. I laughed " oh PLEASE, she Louise's bestfriend of course she's going to be there..why you wanting to know?" I winked, which made Alfie go red. "I..I was just wondering.." He gulped. Which made me cry with laughter " OH MY GOSH CASPAR GET IN HERE ALFIE'S GOT A CRUSH ON ZOE" I shouted. "NOOOO! No I don't, Seriously! We're just friends!!!!" He rushed. " I KNEW IT" shouted Caspar who came running in. " I knew it!" He gasped again. "Since when" Caspar winked at Alfie."since no where, I don't like her! She's just a mate" he laughed, but he looked serious...but something in his face wasn't making me sure..I knew obviously that Zoe likes him, because I've watched her around him. And I would say he acts just like her..that's it I thought..I got up to go get my phone. I needed to text Louise. "Where you going?" Questioned Alfie. "Mans on a mission" I laughed. Leaving Aflie confused but Caspar grinning.


Thank you for reading! Anything will help:-Dx

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