chapter 8

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I accidently deleted my last cahpter-.- so here it is again!

Alfies's P.O.V

Zoe looked like hell, but she still looked like the most beautiful girl i ever knew. She was crying which made me sad, but why was she crying?! SHE was the one who kissed sam, and she wouldnt be sad because of my reaction.

I dont know how long we were staring at eachother, but it felt like forever. while i was looking at her i felt calm again, and no longer angry about the night before. Maybe she was upset because she DID like me..But no she doesnt love me like i love her.zoe couldn't. She was one of a kind. And I loved her for that. And then she closed the window, confirming my assumptions on her feelings towards me.

I got up to leave and headed towards the gate, but before i had the chance to get there zoe's voice came from behind me "alfie wait, we need to talk" she said solemnly. I wanted to tell her the truth, but then i realsied once again that she did not love me, so i couldnt bring myself to do it. Being friends with zoe, as much as i hurt, is better then me admitting my feelings and her turning me down and ruining our friendship. " dont worry, i over reacted! friends?" i quickly said. "oh..i..Freinds" she smiled weakly. And looking at her this sad made feel horrible so, i walked towards her and gave her a huge hug, and i found it hard not to let go, feeling her breath on my neck while she nuzzled her head on my chest, I pulled away "breakfast?" i laughed.


Zoe's P.O.V

"dont worry, i over reacted. Friends"? he said quickly. And i felt my stomach drop hearing those words. ALFIE CAN YOU NOT SEE THE STATE IM IN? but oh wait, you dont love me like i love you. So we have to be freinds, and nothing more, and that made me want to cry Again. "oh..I...Friends" i smiled but it was weak because i was lying and being alfies friend was not i what i needed, i needed more. He then gave me a huge hug, and the feeling of his lips on my head made it difficult to not turn my head up and kiss him. But he pulled away and said "breakfast?" and laughed. Makeing my heart ache because he was happy, only being my bestfriend and not my love.


"Chummyyyy" Louise called "we've been invited to nandos by the lads, a few people are going, it will be fun" she giggled. "Oooo, okay, yeah it will be fun" i agreed with a grin. louise walked out and i sighed. I really wanted to see alfie but it hurt. And then i gasped because my phone started ringing.


oh god oh god..i wonder what he wants..

"hellooooo alfieeeee" i sang.

"Hahaha helloooo zooeeee, you coming tonight?" he asked.

"Of course i am silly" I laughed.

"Oh, okay good, i can sit next to you then, because what is a nandos without zoe next to me"he giggled. And his words hit me, making me feel weak at the knees.

"hehe, it would be nothing without you too alfie" i giggled." see you tonight then" i said.

"yeah, meet you tonight, byeeeee zoee"he sang.

"byeeeeeee alfieeee" i sang back and hang up. oh my god...what was alfie up to..

so. Me. tonight. with alfie. next to me. and him wanting me to be there. maybe..

thats it. I have to, i NEED to tell him. I'm going to tell alfie i love him.


Okayyyy, so i promise some zalfie scenes next chapter. Like real zalfie scenes;-) xx

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