Chapter 17

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Hey guys sorry I haven't updated, I'm being bad once again-.- but Here is the next chapter for all you lovely people:-)

Alfie's P.O.V

"Okey, so when do we tell people" Zoe grinned up at me. We had walked home and I had made her a lovely dinner which I had planned the previous night. We now were sat down on the sofa, watching the holiday. "I don't mind, as soon as we get back? Lousier is having party, remember? You hit one million subscribers and everyone went crazy." I winked at Zoe. "I remember" Zoe giggled. I smiled in return. She was so beautiful. It almost hurt. But now, knowing that she was mine forever, it made my heart swell with warmth. I had her, finally.

I hadn't realised that I was staring at Zoe, lost in my own thoughts, about her, so now Zoe was staring back at me. She lifted her hand and played with my hair, twisted her hand through it. She has a small smile on her face, and looked so peaceful. I couldn't help myself, but I leaned in, and pressed my lips lightly but passionately onto hers. She responding straight away, but didn't want to play gently, instead she gripped her hands into my hair, crushed her lips against mine, making it seem that she wanted more. And more is what she was going to get. I gently placed my hands on her back but pulled her down so we were laying down, me ontop. She greedily touched at me, wanting my top off, and I happily obliged. I quickly flung it off, and stopped for a moment, and just simply gazed at her. I gasped, forgetting I wasn't breathing she smiled up at me and placed her lips back onto mine, enjoying each others presence, touch, kiss, for the rest of the evening.


Zoe's P.O.V

It had been a few weeks since me and Alfie had got engaged, we both came back to London where we led a small party, for those closest to tell the the news. Louise and Marcus couldn't stop screaming, almost as if they were fangirling, it was a brilliant evening.

"What about this one?!" Louise squealed. We were now looking at dresses, just for fun because Louise wanted to, and it seemed she was more excited than me, though I knew that was not the case because I was the happiest girl alive. She held a beautiful long dress that would fit my body perfectly. It has a tiny bit of lace which when perfectly with the cream. It was beautiful. " Gosh. IT'S PERFECT" I screamed. " I KNOW RIGHT" Louise jumped up and down making me laugh, but I started screaming and joining in with her.

"Ow" I gasped, looking down at my belly. I got a sudden scortch of pain in the center of my stomach. "Chummy?" Louise asked, looking very concerned. "What's wrong?" "It's my stomach, it's hurting a little..probably just pulled a muscle or something" I said, looking rather flustered. "Hmm..I don't think so..but play, just make sure to tell me if it starts to hurt a bit more!" She said." Of course Louise" I chuckled.

We left the shop and got into the car. "So are you going to jack and Finns tonight?" Louise grinned. "OF COURSE" I shouted. "YAAAY" Louise screed, turning up the radio and played Bastille. "ALL THIS BAD BLOOD HERE" we screamed at the top of our lungs. Tonight was going to be good, I smiled to myself.


"Chummy, pink or red?" Louise asked holding up two lipsticks. "Red, it works well with your dress!" I said. We were in a hotel, near jack and Finns, ready to party. Tonight just like every other party, all the youtubers were coming, making me excited.

My phone started to ring "alfieeeee!" I squealed. "Zoeeee, you okay dear? I just wanted to make sure!" His words made me smile." I'm brilliant thank you handsome" I laughed. "Good, ill see you in two then, bye beautiful!" He giggled. "Byeeee Alfie!" I said.

"You two are adorable" Louise giggled. "Ready?" She asked. "Aye aye captain!" I laughed and made our way to the car.


The music was pumping and everyone was having a great time. I walked per to Alfie who was in the middle of the dance floor jumping away with a drunken grin on his face. I started jumping with him, and he grinned down at me and held my waist. We danced for god knows how long but I got a little tired and said "just getting a drink do you want one?" "Yes please" he grinned. I giggled, he was such an adorable man, I still can't believe he's my Soon To be husband. I turned around towards the kitchen but I heard Alfie gasp. I quickly turned on my heel to see Alfie's armed stretched out whispering my name, "ALFIE?" I screamed and reached my hand out, but it was too late, he had already fallen to the floor, eyes wide open, but unconscious, and as pale as white.



Hope you like it;-)

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