Chapter 13

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Okay I'm really sorry I missed I day, I've just been revising:-( But I've decided that revision can wait and I should do my fanfic;-) so here's the next chapter:

Alfie's P.O.V

Me and Zoe had spent the evening on the sofa, watching silly films. We'd put darcy to bed and got our selves hot chocolate an sat back down. We'd fallen asleep in each others arms, limbs tangled. Zoe had fallen asleep before me and I didn't have the heart to wake her so I didn't move. But in the morning a knock on the door woke us both up. I jumped and stood up, telling Zoe just to go back to sleep because it was early. I quickly walked to the door, and opened it. And there, stood Marcus.

Marcus's P.O.V

"Marcus?!" Alfie said, sounding rather shocked. "Hello alf, just thought I'd pop by, Louise told me that you're looking after darcy so I'd thought I'd help" I said. I knew that Alfie AND Zoe were looking after darcy, but Zoe and Aflie didn't know of mine and Louise's plan that had worked to get them together, and they didn't realise that me and Louise (however louise told me that zoe now knew that louise knows) knew about their "secret" relationship. They were so niave. I giggled. " Zoe's helping as well.." He said quietly. "Oh really?!? Even better, we can have some fun, right?" I grinned and walked into the house leaving Alfie at the door. I walked into the living room, to Zoe on the sofa. She gasped and hid under the duvet. "Marcuuuus, don't look at me I look hideous." She squealed. I laughed "but Alfie can see you at this state, in your small Pijamas can he?" I winked because they just let a slip through their "secret" relationship. Watching these two hide their relationship, while knowing that they actually ARE in a relationship, was going to be a lot of fun.

"So what you two been up to lately?" I said innocently, but inside I was dying with laughter because I knew what they have been up to lately. "We..err..we've just been hanging around..not doing much.." He said slowly. "Yeah.."Zoe mumbled in agreement. I was about to start laughing so I had to walk out the room. "Where you going?" Alfie called. "To get a drink" I said back.

Alfie followed me into the kitchen. He was hot on my heels. "Mate, what you REALLY doing here?" Alfie asked seriously. I honestly couldn't hide it any longer so I just said "I know about you two you idiot." His eyes bulged and he put in his best poker face while saying "I don't know what you're talking about" I laughed. "PLEASE. You and Zoe. Together. It's been written in the books since the first day you met. You two are inseparable. I mean for the last five years all you've done is be together. Man, you spend more time with her than you do with me. You're like Tanya and jim..." I mumble the last sentence quietly, because yes, I wanted to say that I thought that I wanted them to spend the rest of their lives together and get married, but not this soon. "WHAT?" I Alfie gasped "Tanya and Jim? You mean we're like a MARRIED couple. We're too young. We couldn't I mean.." Alfie's eyes glazed over and he stuttered the last sentence, obviously deep in thought. I knew he would want to marry Zoe, as clichè as it sounded, But he wouldn't want to admit it because "men" don't do that. But I knew alfie loved Zoe. "Mate, I'm not saying get married tomorrow. Because hey we only just started speaking about you and Zoe DATING. But I got you to openly admit that you ARE dating Zoe, and that even though you think you're too young, you are considering marrying her."I smirked at myself, because everything I said was right.

"I..I..I've been thinking about it actually.'s not that bad..spending the rest of your life with the person you it?" He smiled at me, obviously thinking about a life with Zoe. I was happy for both of them, they deserved each other and it was a beautiful relationship. One that will last. "Exactly. Because Alfie, I know you love Zoe. And that she loves you. And, that's enough, isn't it?" I asked him, already knowing what the answer was. "It's more than enough Marcus. It's everything." He said quietly, he almost looked like he was about to cry. I hugged him tightly, and when I pulled away I quickly said "I'm not saying you have to pop the question straight away. I'm just saying give it some thought, yeah?" "Marcus. I already know what I want. And that's Zoe."

I think he's made up his mind.

"I want to marry Zoe." Alfie said, I touch of nerves, confidence and happiness all in his voice.



Zoe's P.O.V

While Marcus and Alfie were in the kitchen I went upstairs to check on darcy, she was up and playing with her toys in her bed. I picked her up, got her dressed and walked downstairs, back into the living room. She sat on my lap and played with my hair. She giggled and said "where alfieeeeeee?" I laughed at her. "He's in the kitchen with Marcus honey" I said sweetly. "He should be here with us. Familyyyyyy." She sang.

Despite the fact that the words were from a small child, the words she said made sense. Alfie was part of me now. Family. And darcy saying that we were family made me realise how much he really meant to me.

"He is family, he's my family darcy. I do love him, and I guess spending my life with Alfie and raising a child just like you, sounds a little but like heaven" I sighed. I looked at darcy who was grinning at me. "You be mumm, he be dadd and I be your baby." She giggled. I was shocked. How could I child the age of darcy talk about me and Aflie being parents. As much as it shocked me, it sounded cute. And Alfie being a dad brought warmth to my heart. He was brilliant with children, he always made darcy feel safe, and he always said how much he was looking forward to being a dad. He was perfect. And spending my life with him, raising a family sounded wonderful. And I wanted it to happen

Wow Zoella sugg.

Or should I call myself, zoella deyes?


Soooo, what do ya think!? I'm so so so sorry you can hate me I know, I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while>.

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