Chapter 11

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Here's the next chapterrrrr!;-) sorry it took longer! I was out yesterday! Hope you enjoyyyyy!

Alfie's P.O.V

I was staring into Zoe's eyes, adrenaline running through me. Read a fanfic?!? Zalfie fanfic?!? Oh god. "You guys have sent us one..and selected a part for here it is" Zoe said weakly at the camera. " it's called, Stop denying our love.." Oh god. How clichè. And it kind of applied to mine and Zoe's situation now. She cleared her throat. " Zoe's heart skipped a beat when Alfie walked into her room. She gasped when he looked at her directly in the eyes, smiling his perfect side smile he always does, and she hoped that it was only for her, her special smile from Alfie.Are you okay? Zoe questioned, she was trying to stay calm and not trying to jump up and throw herself on him." Zoe looked up from her ipad. She was humming with electricity which was making me nervous. She passed the iPad to me quickly so I could read the next line."I want to tell you something Alfie said slowly but it almost felt rushed to Zoe's ears. Oh and what's that Zoe said to Alfie, slightly panicked but with a rush of excitement running in her voice. I...Zoe I think I'm in love with you" I looked at Zoe while I read the last sentence, I looked into her eyes deeply because despite the fact I was reading from a fanfic, I meant the words I was uttering. At this point I passed the iPad back to Zoe and she was slightly ridgid, still in shock from the words I had just said. She looked down and smiled. Why was she Smilling? She looked up and stared into my eyes and never broke eye contact. "She smiled at Alfie, and simply said, I I love you two Alfie Zoe said quietly. She then got up and walked towards Alfie, and placed her hands on his chest and made her way up into his hair. While doing so, Alfie placed his hands on Zoe's hips, and then they started to lean in, building the tension. Their lips crashed together and their body pressed together, leading to the bed. Zoe broke the kiss and looked at Alfie in the eyes who simply nodded and they fell onto the bed. Zoe's heart was beating frantically but she was so happy and couldn't imagine anything better. They looked at each other for one last moment before they went into their bliss heaven for the rest of the night, nervous but so happy, because they were together. And they loved each other." My breath had stopped from hearing Zoe read that out. And as Zoe said this, it almost looked like she wanted to. And right now. I wanted to.

The tension was boiling away, while me and Zoe simply gazed at each other. I just wanted her lips on mine. And I couldn't wait until the video was done, so I simply placed my hands on either side of Zoe's face and leaned in, she looked shocked for one moment, her eyes flicking to the camera, but she simply closed the gap and, finally, my lips crashed onto hers. And it was beautiful. My heart was pounding and I could feel my energy rush through me. My lips tingled from the sensation of Zoe on my lips. It was perfect. I pulled her closer so me, and stood her up and led her to the bed, without breaking our kiss. We fell softly on to the bed, and I simply rapped my arms around her and she pressed against me, wanting me closer which made my heart squeeze. I'm not sure if we were ready to go any further so I broke our kiss and looked at Zoe and she said "I'm not ready either" and she smiled, making me feel warm inside. I laughed and agreed. "Zo..I haven't really told you as myself...but" I stopped thinking whether I should carry on "Alfie say how you feel, we both need to hear it from each other" Zoe said, and looked at me with the cutess expression. "I..I love you Zoe. I really do." I said weakly but with a sense of confidence in my voice. She looked like she was about to cry. "Zoe? Zoe what's wrong?" I panicked. "Nothing's wrong silly, everything's perfect. The person I love l, loves me too. And that makes me so happy" she said smiling with tears of joy in her eyes, "I love you too Alfie." She grinned up at me and hearing these words finally in my ears, made tears prickle in my eyes. I'm so lucky. And with our confessions finally done, I crushed my lips back onto Zoe, smiling into the kiss, and I got a smile in return.

Wow, zoella sugg. Life would be nothing without you.


Okaaaaaaayyyyyy so don't worry, that's not the last chapter, more still to come;-)

Also, thank you all, for reading. I couldn't ask for anything better.

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