Chapter 4

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Okay so I decided to write the next chapter! Because I have else better to do:,)x

Marcus's P.O.V

I got my phone but by the time I clicked Louise's number she was already texting me. I looked behind me to make sure no one was there. I opened up the text and smiled.

Lousie: MARCUS MY BOY. WE HAVE A NEW MISSION. Now you're not meant to know anything..Zoe's sad and has gentleman issues with a certain someone you're familiar with...;)

Me: NO WAYYYY I WAS JUST ABOUT TO TEXT YOU SAYING THE SAME THING. Wait..we're talking about the boy has a lovely cat called I right?

Louise: YES! Hang on..are you saying alfie DOES like Zoe? :D

Me: HAHA, of COURSE he does. He just won't admit it to us. Hell he can't even admit it to himself. So we have a party tonight..and a mission.

Louise: Yes we do. Now Zoe's admitted it, but how are we going to get Alfie to admit it?

Me: I've got an about jealousy?;-)

Louise:OOOOOOHH, I see where you're going. That's brilliant. But we've got to make sure no one gets hurt!:-( but okay see you tonight partner!

Me: yeah seeing them Hurt is not what we want:( laterrrrrrzzzz;-)

I grinned to myself. Seeing Zoe and Alfie together finally would be brilliant and a relief to everyone. They've got to get together. They just have to.


Zoe's P.O.V

We'd all set up for tonight and we were now getting dressed and putting our make up on. Louise had put on a floral dress which looked beautiful on her. I sighed. "Louise you look beautiful" I smiled at her. "Oh chummy, you look beautiful and you're in a bloody towel" she giggled. I grinned at her and have her wink while turning to the dress I was going to wear. I wanted to wear a dress that Alfie would like. These days everything I did was for Alfie which made me smile. The way he made me feel still gave me butterflies. He was my bestfriend but also the man I was madly in love with. He made me feel giddy..the way he laughs and throws his head back...

"HELLOOO CHUMMY?" Louise's voice brought me back to now, and she was waving at me. "SORRY I WAS DAYDREAMING" I gasped. "About Alfie by any chance? No one can ever make you day dream like that unless it was him" she winked. And quickly walked out before I could answer. Just leaving me shocked because despite her joking around, it was true.


Okayy so that was just a filler, I will try and update it for tonight or tomorrow morning!:-) thank you so much for the reads, wasn't expecting 70 reads! Thank you again^.^

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