Chapter 15

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I'm so sorry I've had exams all week and it's all getting really hard, but I'm here now and here's the next part to the story :-)

Alfie's P.O.V

Everything was perfect. I had YouTube, my family and friends, And most of all, Zoe. It had been the most wonderful night of my life with Zoe, and I couldn't think of anyone who I would have rather spent it with. Louise had come back the following morning and thanked us both, while eyeing us suspiciously. I think she knew something special had happened, because we both couldn't stop smiling.

Zoe didn't want to go back home alone so she asked if I wanted to spend a few more days at her house, and I happily obliged. I can't seem to stay away from her, she has me in the palm her tiny hands.

Marcus kept calling me and asking about the marriage situation. I kept telling him we weren't going to rush but me and Zoe had been dating for a while now..and we both loved each other. Whenever I tried to talk myself out of it, something would always make me consider marrying Zoe now. I guess spending my life with Zoe did, in fact, sound like heaven and not at all scary..which ironically is not being scared of marriage...

But does Zoe want to marry me..?

Zoe's P.O.V

"Come on alfieeeee bring your suitcase in already" I laughed. We'd arrived at my house and I quickly opened the front door. "Alfieeeee" I laughed. "I'm coming I'm coming! I may be a man but I actually have a lot in this's heaving" he giggled. "You're such a girrrl" I giggled. Alfie had agreed to stay a few days at my house, I was hoping he would stay for longer.


"I can't wait to be a dad, it seems like such a privilege.." Alfie smiled, half talking to me and half talking to himself. We were watching a programme about children, I'm not sure how we ended up watching it, but we both liked the programme. His comment make me smile, but also made me think. Who will be the mother of his child...would it be someone else other than me..I didn't like this idea. I wanted to raise a family with Alfie. To marry him and know that he was mine forever. "I can't wait to be a mum too..I wonder when I'll have my first child.." I pondered to myself. My comment made Alfie's breathing hitch. I looked from the corner of my eye, to see not a scared or panicked Alfie, but an awed Alfie. My comment must make him happy. Maybe he wants to have a child with me..but wait. We're not even married! "What about marriage..? How old do you think you want to get married.." Alfie asked quietly. "I don't mind when..if I truly loved the person. I would marry them, whatever the age." I said before I thought about it. My words made Alfie's eyes bulged and his eyes flickered to mine. I looked straight back. "I..I guess I feel the same.." He said quickly. The tension in the room was rising, and I couldn't help but lean over and crush my lips onto his. He instantly started to kiss me back, moulding his lips to mine. I'm not sure what this meant but I guess..well I hope we just admitted, that if we do love each other..truly, we could marry each other. And the thought made me tingle. Maybe this little trip to my house may make him reallise, that we are ready.we kissed until our lips hurt and ended up tumbling to the bedroom, and had another blissful night. I would never get used to the way Alfie holds me, touches me softly and makes me feel so loved. Its heaven when Im with him.


Alfie's P.O.V

"I..I guess I feel the same I whispered loudly. The conversation had gone from light to full on heavy, and the anticipation was killing me. Did Zoe want to marry me?.. Then her lips crashed onto mine, and this confirmed it. Not only did it make me sure of how she felt about me and about us, but it also made me make a decision. I'm ready. And I think Zoe is too. This little trip is no longer a small trip. These few days will change the relationship between me and Zoe. For life.

I'm going to ask her.

I've got to ask her.

I'm going to ask Zoe to marry me.


OKAY, so it's a tad short. Sorry:-( I will try and update for tomorrow to make up for not updating in a while^.^ please comment, vote or anything for feedback, thank you all so much. I love you

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