Chapter 12

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Okay so great comments from the last chapter, thank you all so much

Right, here's the next chapterrrr!

Zoe's P.O.V

It had been six weeks since me and Alfie had spent the night together, just in each others arms, sharing kisses. Over the six weeks, we would spend nights doing the exact same thing. And throughout the days we would act like our normal selves, but when we were alone, we would take the opportunity to hold hands, or share more kisses.We hadn't told anyone about it, so it was still a secret. But what I didn't realise is that everyone around me and Alfie, could see straight through us.


"Zoeellaaaaaa, I need to ask you a huge favour" Louise called. She sounded like there was a smile creeping in her voice which made me worried. Whenever chummy was smirking, she was up to something.

"Chummy what is it you want me to do" I asked while walking into the kitchen. "Well me and Matt are going away for the night, so I was asking if you could look after darcy for the night. She's got a cough, meaning she's got some medication. Which I guess is good for you because now she goes out like a light when we put her to bed" she rushed. "Oh, yeah that's fine, you and Matt go have fun. I wasn't going out or anything so I'll be fine" I smiled at her. "Is it just me you asked" I questioned. "Umm, no actually, I asked Alfie to come up aswell, seeming as him and darcy are like two peas in a pod, despite the fact he's nearly a twenty year old man." She laughed. "Haha, they really are. Why Alfie? I thought marcus was around town?" I asked. It wasn't like Louise to ask me and Alfie to stay a night together, she knew there was SOMETHING between us, so she never wanted to spark it. "Errr, well..I would just think that you two work well together..and.."she trailed off. I turned to face her."chummyyy?" I said. "I KNOW ABOUT YOU AND ALFIE" she shouted quickly, making me cough on the cereal I was eating. "WHAT? THERE'S..NOTHING..NOTHING GOING ON.." I gasped back. I was trying to hide it. But right on cue my phone lit up. Louise quickly grabbed it and saw a text saying *I miss you too beautiful, can't wait to see you.

She looked up from the phone one eyebrow raised, trying to look like a teacher who had just caught a student, but a grin crept onto her face. "I knewwwwww it, after allllll these years. You guys finally found each other" she sang. "No one knows..but I don't think I can hide it anymore Louise. The strain i get to not being able to kiss him when I when I want to kills me. I..I love him Louise. And he loves me. I can't hide it anymore. He just consume me." I said, looking slightly glazed over because while saying this, I reel of memories of our nights together, days and nights before we were together, played into my mind. "Oh chummyyy" she squealed. "YOU SHOULD GET MARRIED." She shouted. Her statement made me gasp. "MARRIED? I'VE ONLY BEEN WITH HIM FOR SIX WEEKS" I screamed. But despite me saying this I actually thought about it.."chummy I know you're thinking about it. Who cares if you've only been together for six weeks. Because reaalllyyyy, you've been together for years. With the whole time of knowing each others neither of you dated anyone, and you've spent more time together than anyone else." She said. Her saying all this made me realise how long I have truly loved Alfie. If we wanted to, we could get married. "But.." I trailed off not knowing what to say. "You know I'm right. I just think you two should think about it. NOW, where Is Mr.Deyes. He should be here by nowwww!" She sang while leaving the room.

I love Alfie. Maybe marrying him is an option I'm willing to take. Because, all I really wanted and all I really needed. Was Alfie.


*knock knock*

As soon as I heard the knock on the door I was running to the door. Louise was already there and when she opened the door, Alfie stood there. "HEY LOUISE" he screamed and gave her a huge hug. She chuckled and let go, and then he turned to me "Zoe, how ya been?" He asked, trying to hide the fact that we both wanted to jump on each other right now. "I've been good" I sighed. He was now a few inches away from my face, and because the tension and the urge became to much, I jumped up and placed my lips on his, and everything melted away. He protested for a second, because Louise was there, but as soon as he had protested he forgot all about it, and just moulded into me. I'm not sure how long we were there for but as soon as we pulled apart we gasped. "IM SO HAPPY I MAY CRY GUYS" Louise's scream both made us jump and nearly fall over. "I..we.just.." Alfie said, not knowing what to say. "It's okay dear, I know everything" she winked. Alfie sighed with relief. And turned back to me. "It's good to see you again" he said softly, placing a more slow but passionate kiss on my lips. I smiled into the kiss, not wanting it to end, but Louise cleared her throat and we both turned to look at her. "As much as I love the fact you two love each other and can't spend a day apart, I would love to close my front door" she chuckled. We all laughed and walked inside.

"Okay so Matt will be at the train station waiting for me in about twenty minutes, so I should get going. Help yourselves to food, and make yourselves at home" she winked again.

She both gave us hugs and a goodbye and she was gone. I turned to Alfie and he was smirking. "What?" I grinned at him. "Let's have some fun shall we?" He giggled. And before I could say anything, he quickly picked me up into a fireman's carry, into the kitchen making me laughed loudly in excitement. He really knew how to make me the happiest girl alive.


Okaaaaay, so what do you thinks going o happen in the marriage situation?;-) thank you all for reading. I will try and update a lot more often then I have been lately!

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