Chapter 5

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Okaaayyy so here's the next chapterrrr:-)x

Zoe's P.O.V

I was just pouring myself a drink when Louise came walking in with a slightly nervous look on her face. The party had started and everyone had arrived. But I only just came downstairs because I couldn't face Alfie, so I ran into the kitchen to get a drink and hide. "Chummyyyy! Getting yourself a drink already I see" she winked. "Yeah, trying to get rid of the nerves."I smiled."are you okay Louise?" I questioned. "Umm..well, Alfie's in the other room..and he's..talking to a girl..and-""WHAT" I cried not wanting to here anymore. I

ran out of the room to where everyone was dancing and looked across the room to see Alfie whispering something in her ear. My heart stopped and felt like I was about to break down. I ran to the front door and ran outside. "How could I have been so stupid. To think he would even like me" I screamed but my cry was hardly understandable because I was sobbing.

Alfie's P.O.V

"I WOULD I WOULD" I sang at the top of my voice to one direction. I'd been here an hour and the party was amazing. If met a few people from who jack had brought with him. But I couldn't see Louise or Zoe. This made me sad because I would be having so much more fun if they were around. I sighed and sat down on the nearest sofa. A girl was next to me and said hello so I introduced myself. "Hello, I'm Alfie" I smiled. "Hello I'm Ellie" she smirked. Her smirk made me think she was rather confident which I didn't really like. Shy girls were often my type..we rambled on about the party for ten minutes and she asked me if I wanted to dance so I got up but not feeling like I wanted to I asked if I could just sit down. "Why, don't you want to play with me" she winked. This made me feel really uncomfortable, so I reached over and whispered into her ear "no not really" and pulled back looking at her face which looked downright ghastly. So I quickly turned around and went on the hunt for Zoe.


"Have you seen Zoe" I asked Marcus, worried because I hadn't even seen her tonight. "Um..i think she's in that room mate" he said. I quickly walked into the room, searching for Zoe in the sea of people. My eyes stopped on Zoe who was now, which i didn't want to believe, kissing Sam.

And then I felt everything I've felt before all come crashing down. My heart felt heavy as well as my legs. I wanted to scream, punch a wall but also curl up and cry. I never really admitted it to anyone, not even myself..

I do in fact,love Zoe and have done for ages..She made me the happiest person alive when was with her and she makes me feel weak at the knees. But now, none of that mattered and all I wanted to do was get out of here. I turned and ran for the door, not bothering to hold back the tears.


Okaayyy so there's the next chapter, sorry it was sad but don't worry, it's not going to be sad forever^.^ comment,likes, anything will help!

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