growing holiness

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Night one the first tale for divine growth.

Moon blessing one.

The cleansing of the waters of the earth. The unclean becomes less common and humans desire and work to clean the earth's water supply and some even pray to gods that cleanse areas of water to purify it of any evil that would have manifested from the dirty water. Making it so the demons have less places to for and making it so divine land gods of the earth who are born of the oceans and rivers are cleaned and strengthened on nights of the full moon and the new moon sparks the process of bringing hope to the earth. And the spark of divine life that helps all spirits be cleansed of the sins of ancestors. To clean the ancestors and those of the family so they can feel the divine life force inside grow.

And lakes have clean fishing and plenty for those to eat below aided by the tree of harvest. Giving healthy foods down below when the clean waters flow.

Blessing of the moon to the first nature and humans.

Now for the monkey's blessing Wukong when you are ready do you want to give the blessing in the daytime or something?

Na one blessing of the monkey king in the night is the first step for me.

Taking some water in his hand he gives some water to the tree.

Saying as you are watered so too will the world below. The rains will give cleaning and cleansing to those below but never to the point of flooding. Unless flooding is needed for the swamps and the rivers, which are similar to the Nile.

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