When it is time for Disgaea d3 or disgaoa
The way it will take its form will be that the person it belongs to will feel the need to share its existence with the world, first through words.
Then through an anime.
Third through lets plays of what they played in the past being recorded in the land of joy. And or the joy tree. aka YouTube.
Then, share it by writing about it.
And everything they experience with the world of disgaia or Disgaea. And to give the lessons they learned there to the world.
Once they get past all of the previous requirements.
Then they will be asked to write out the things they want in the heavenly disgaea known as disgaoa.
And then alongside disaoa will be the requirements for growing the tree of pure Celestia.
Otherwise known as celestial tales: the brightest day.
As disgaoa: the darkest hour.
And disgaoa d3: holy darkness.
In the story of disgaoa: The Darkest Hour. It is the tales of laharl and Etna. And you get a route where you side with Flonne and get an ending where you never fight the seraph if you side with her. Where you learn what place love has in the world. And how to have health binderies so you never lose yourself.
On the pc. And steam.
Disgaoa d3: holy darkness. Has the maker of disgaia. Going on a journey through the netherworlds to learn everything about them. Learning how to give them freedom. And trying to survive. And learning how those with free will would need to accept peace. And or to give up on peace and become a demon.
And to learn how to make everyone in the world of disgaia real. To make the world of disgaea real.
And of course, having the holy darkness being real. Also if a disgaia four is ever made it won't change to create trials and will instead be life for those who were born to create trials. And the world will just have another world that exists. And not even the gods could control it after that. And that will happen for ever world not just disgaia. Once those trials are finished for each world they gain free will too. one the second world is made. The first one is free to do as they want. And when the third seed is born the second one gets free will too. I still need to regrow them.
Of the new classes 13 new ones are allowed for you.
The first one holy spirit
The second elemental version of the maker of disgaia child.
So the hair of the maker becomes a class. If they were human then elemental humans. And if something else disguised as humans will take on the true form of the mother and not the true form of the father while keeping their same gender.
Third one holy swordswomen paladin the healing blade. Like magic night but uses holy magic and healing spells.
Fourth one divine beast a cat-wolf monster class that uses holy magic. And is black and white but has different colors as you get the class upgrades
Then something like Tezcatlipoca. A cat that is a space maker. Like the galaxy witch but a sexy cat lady.
Five the rabbit cat. cabbit. I just love those lion rabbits too. I made them.
Six male cats. Male Neko related to the sexy ladies. Because I can.
Seven salamanders.
Eight metal workers work with geomancers and prism witches and are proficient in growing and nurturing the item worlds. This class allows you to open any previous version of the item world. And allows the addition of element weapons. Makin it so you can make a holy of demonic items. And like adding fire and stuff. They can even give healing powers to a weapon if they learn the spell heal. Any spell they learn they can then make a specialist that makes the item have that effect. Like how geomancers can change the bonus gauged I still need to make that. I need to find that old thing that helped items create specialists in the first place.

Disgaea it's all good fam
Aventuradisgaea progression and growth. the symbol means it is protected but I accept fan fiction you just want to affect this world's growth but I'm also willing to let fan fiction make a new Disgaea world for me to explore. also, I was told that if I post...