the trial of the system of ascents information is reviewed. this is info.

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Chapter 3: the deal with death, life, and the netherworlds in the divine contract.

The moon, the sun, and amber that they had taken to grow the tree of life and demon purification to turn them holy.

The three of them had learned that the roots had been getting overpopulated and needed a way to take the souls out of the tree.

In three directions.

The moon says, "they should go to the earth as animals and reincarnate into humans as the karma they have gets closer to 0 so they can try their life in human form a second time to see if they can become those who can gain the reverence and life in heaven."

The sun said, "they need a more direct teaching they should become our servants unable to brake their oaths and can't harm their master and teacher. If they can be Brocken into being good people then the pride they have should be given to them."

Amber says, "ok but what if the systems end up not working. I will test both of your systems. If they work they we can go with both. If they fail we can work shop it again. And what does the one in charge of the roots say."

The sun said, "And how will you test it?"

Amber said, "I was human and know an angel to grow the tree you three have been working on. So if it has a world inside of it. I can always go inside in my old human body and experience it myself. Until we ether find a way that works. Or something else. sometimes first hand experience is the only way to learn how something works."

The sun says, "The demons in the future if you choose this path will call you a goddess and will steal your fate. Tearing you apart if they ever find out about you. Are you sure you still want to go?"

Amber pausing thought about it. then taking a deep shaky breath says, "only if it bring true harmony to all then my life and existence would be worth it. other wise we can change fate now with the power of angels and god here in heaven."

In the middle of her words, Michael slammed his fist on the chair he was on. But at the end, he looked over at amber shocked at something she said, near the end.

She then continued after a second pause, "If it is needed and god agrees to it I can always go in disguise so that wouldn't happen. I won't be a god. I can't be. One I'm too young and two. Unless my visions were my doing and not me watching god through the vision he gave me then I can't have done any of the thing I saw. After all, I woke up from sleep after each vision. If I had used my power to do it myself I would have passed out instead."

The sun said now smiling, "I see we can ask him. but now what is your suggestion enkido?"

Enkido the realms below master said, "while you both were talking I was thinking. Why not both? We wouldn't need to do anything too cruel and soil our hands if we have them fighting each other in a war. And the servants for when the war is on break the humans that are prinnys penguins that are servants with no fingers or thumbs will have to do chores. Though not cutting the figure off. But by putting them in mascot suits that look like penguins."

Michael said, "ok I want to put them on little stilts too if it is a mascot suit."

The moon said, "That is so cute. I still want my idea. How about they do that in the celestial branches under Michael's orders? They do the orders of enkido in the netherworlds the land of the roots. And they are in a world without magic and no walking mascot suits in the trunk so they can learn what it means to not have power. So they can't become stronger than god. With healing in between the life of the netherworlds and Celestia before they get into heaven."

Amber says, "Good idea let's do it it will let us learn what fate is works best and if it works even better as a complete force then we can do this. Now how do we get the souls to move between the realms? Death has his job and so does life. But is there someone in charge of rebirth in heaven already or do we need to talk to them to help with the transition so those who haven't changed can't go tricking us."

Sigh the sun goes as the moon stands up the thier hands on the table then sits with their hands on their head.

The moon said, "oh I did not think of that."

Amber said, "war and blood are red and the sun can look orange or red sometimes. Why not make a day for the moon to glow red as a signal that its time to go through and judge those in the roots to see if they can go to the mortal plane to be in the moon's earthly mortal plane? The harvest for those who had grown into better people. The food would need harvest when ripe so the souls should have an end goal for when they are ripe to heal and ascend to being humans. And a color of heaven when god anoints them to be cleaned of their sins. The suns true light is white which holds all colors. Those it is easy to see at night when the color has changed and we can ask god and the angel or saint of death to help make reapers that can help in bringing the souls of those people to the other side. In the direction they are meant for. Interacting with souls is his job I hear."

Michael chuckles, "I will call to him and god to make the arrangements. It should take a second."

I small light leaves Michael's hand and a portal appears moments later. Death and god appear.

God said, "Michael informed me of your wise for creation to help tend specifically to the souls and spirits of the tree you will be tending to amber. And it shall be done."

God pats her on the head. She has learned better this time. and thank him for his compassion. Thank you for your kindness and loving gesture.

And with that, the nightmare class of reaper is born.

The lowest rank of reaper.

The second rank the shade.

The third class lich.

The fourth class was made to be in charge of the whole of the death and rebirth system in only the netherworld tree. the sakura tree and the maple tree being their origins. One was born for each maple tree and cherry tree. the Sakura trees. the other tree as well but they try to hide from those who didn't want them around. Of the four Tezcatlipoca. They have a different class they had made for a similar job the Tezcatlipoca's. Not sure why Quetzalcoatl chose a dead cat as his messenger of death. Especially one with a goat's head. I don't even know if they are doing their jobs right.

The chocolate trees that were a gift do have the rank I am speaking on the name of this rank of death is. chernobog the crimson reaper of the crimson cherry trees. When the red moon appears they take on their job to bring the souls to their rightful place. But lead all the others.

The fifth rank reports to death Hades directly and crosses to the places outside the tree they follow his orders. And make sure those of the charry tree or on the list and are meant to be there. If they are of the netherworlds and are sinners meant to be their they are tasked with dragging them back to the netherworlds. And if they are changed and past the trials of the netherworlds and are known as the redeeming souls they live in the mortal plane. When there is a need they also take those who are of Greek decent to the river Styx so we don't end up stealing all his people of souls this is mostly to cover overcrowding in the netherworld or hell and the underworld. The death class is also known as Thanatos. it is a class named after Thanatos himself.

The last rank on this list is Thanatos but in the true netherworlds, the last rank is called Hades. And is the same rank as him. I was permitted these classes. Because he got tired of all the fights between his wife and amber when amber was just trying to do her job. So he had given her this rank and then forgot. And it has been a hassle.

So amber is the death rank Hades and Thanatos. Making it so she doesn't have to answer to Persephone and can only rule equal to Hades as long as she works with the netherworld tree of rebirth. 

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