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Chapter 3: class request. Oni's for the netherworlds

Oni, kenshi, oni-ukiru, oni-ki, rocuni, oni-kami

The oni's of japan the kenshi of japan. Then oni-ukiru is the oni of the sea and can swim and breathe underwater like the tales of mermaids. The oni-ki are oni's that have a body that can heal and regenerate even the head if it is missing. It is the point in which oni starts to develop love and their hatred is tempered. But is not fully gone yet. The rocuni is the divine wrath stage of development. Where you can only get mad at injustice. And it is when you make a contract with a god and become a familiar. The oni-kami can only be made if a selfless act is done to the one the oni hated so much they became an oni. And to give love to what had harmed you or had been what you envied most. Not just forgiveness but doing something for them that would have no strings attached. And it would be for a larger scheme of revenge. Giving the divine love the strength to turn you into an oni-god. And the title one who has conquered their hatred through love.

Rocuni is also the name of the first oni to become familiar and it was to the god Quetzalcoatl. Kind of like a priest or priestess but was a demon that accepted the transformation into something better and kinder the hatred. 

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