create and heal in all forms.

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Chapter two the cure was made. For cancer and radiation.

The cure was made in 2020 but was hidden from the world. And a way to fix radiation was created in 2021.

With that amber danae Leatham got back up to start writing her story of her past for she was trying to remember what had truly happened in her life and what was the radiation madness.

This includes her interactions with the spirit world and the divine realms.

Once she had recalled who she truly was she went back to working on growing the plants that are the world trees. now having infinite life energy that could heal anything she walks past. That cures cancer and cleans away radiation. The irradiated areas started to look the way they once had.

And the world tree was also healed. The power created from then on was used to make more trees and dimension to create worlds. And life on other planets.

Granting her the power to heal all plants animals and even gods at a rate that was stronger then a tera heal spell. The peta heal spell was born from this. As everything became divine. And the divine heal spell that was once sealed away for it was to strong and was made by the one who had created the netherworlds and celestia. Was new able to be used as an everyday spell. With the hospital heal spell. Being something that all netherworld had a power that revived the dead to perfect health. Can heal the spirit of all wounds and scares. And can heal even the scaring of old physical wounds. With a cleric named mary going back in time to work for kerchevcoy when the goddess was taken to the netherworlds. And made the netherworld hospital using the hospital spell that was made at that time. healing all wounds however she had to make sure the timeline stayed intact. So she couldn't just teach it to the child or the power might not be created at all.

The hospital heal spell is also able to fix radiation, irradiated things and cure cancer. Healing on par with divine creation. And only when this had been written on the day 1/17/2025 at 10:58 pm would the netherworld hospital staff/workers would only then be able to share with the clerics, ronin, archers, and mages or witches the hospital healing spell.

And on that day amber danae leatham's plants will be in the presents of the soul that hold the light of god. And the healing light that is the power behind the hospital healing spell.

Making it so in just five days all plants in the house will be fully grown.

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