Chapter: Flonnes Changed Fate
After meeting Danae from the future flonne will be granted a chance to change her fate. By proving her faith if she succeeds in the task given to her by the goddess that will speak to her mind.
Aiding Enkido in his or her goal of clearing every stage in the netherworlds ten times in the first timeline cycle 0 and is completed from tutorial all the way to blair forest stage one. Then she becomes a full angel with the illusion that she is still the same angel trainee so anyone who would be jealous of this change won't be able to tell where they are at unless they know each of the ten cleared affects of each stage the way the goddess does. Which the goddess is forced to keep secret.
But if you're requested by someone to clear something ten times you get rewarded for believing in it. otherwise, have fun and goodbye and they leave.
If they clear the stages ten times after defeating the alternate world overlord in cycle 0 then they have what it takes to save the world and world trees.
And Flonne becomes an arch angel before falling.
If they clear the stages to ten and get to the point where they protect the netherworlds from invading humans it counts as having protected the netherworld tree. and flonne has the option to become a seraph but only if all stages prior are at stage ten. Will you become a seraph before your fall? Flonne this was put in place before you met the being Danae. But Danae has a bond through her name to the goddess that made these rules. So she can teach you everything you need to know before anyone else can.
If Enkido is telling you then he or she trusted Danae's words each time and the truth by now has revealed itself.
If you become a seraph before seeing Lamington.
Then a new map appears in the dark assembly.
Sakura road. After passing the bill I want to see the world tree.
You and Laharl can use this to advance your evolution. If you do it by affecting the real world it still works. But it's stuck behind an illusion even if you have it.
But if you clear all the stages of the world tree that starts with sakura road. Then you get to show the world your true form of seraph. And Lamington will live and that life can never be taken. And even if you fall. You can rise and help the bridge that saves demons and angels.
You will already be doing this but if anyone asks for you as a seraph then you appear as one. Once this is done.
oh and for ending hunters. this is a different ending that changes the fate of the world as a whole and you enter the era of harmony. with the other one being the era of heaven.

Disgaea it's all good fam
Adventuredisgaea progression and growth. the symbol means it is protected but I accept fan fiction you just want to affect this world's growth but I'm also willing to let fan fiction make a new Disgaea world for me to explore. also, I was told that if I post...