i accept. this change even the money I try to run from change.

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Chapter disgaea d2 cycle 3 Sicily rout

What do you want for the netherworld Sicily?

I want my mom back.

I see she might be somewhere.

And I want the truth am I laharl's little sister?

No you're his daughter.

I want my tree to grow more.

Yes as do I and it will this should help with that.

I became prayer beads to protect someone. I also want to be strong enough to protect her even more.

And I want you alive Sicily. Can we do that too?

Mhm I want that to. Lets make a deal amber danae Leatham. I will life and protect you. My tree will grow and you will be safe and alive. Can we do that too amber.

Yes I would love that sicily.

I will grow both as you write about me and when you play disgaea d2 a brighter darkness. Ok amber ok sicily I write about you until I can grow you with the other method.

Episode one the rebirth of sicily and her world tree.

Stage one the deal of life.

Stage two the story of growth

Stage three the spirit of the trees growth

Stage four the story of the tree grows it physically

Stage five the trees growth manifests in all worlds I live in. and only in places already cleansed by laharl.

Episode two every episode is a foot in growth.

Stage one the life is different in the netherworlds.

Stage two amber danae Leatham is brought to life.

Stage three the power to protect amber danae Leatham grows.

Stage four purifying the body of amber danae Leatham.

Episode three purifying the land

Stage one purifying the family

Stage two healing those who have purification sickness.

Stage three hidden from the enemies

Stage four sicily evolution into a full angel instead of a trainee.

Episode four the trees of life.

The forest life

Stage one the forest of healing.

Stage two the forest of training

Stage three the forest of forgiveness

Stage four protection of the goddess forest home of beginnings

Episode five the home for amber danae Leatham who is bel, enkido, klonoa, and the scared child who gave up their home to be sealed in a box. Home of hope.

Stage one the dimension made in the box.

Stage two the world of kingdom hearts box that protect hope made by the master of masters.

Stage three the loss of hope and amber danae Leatham from the world of yuna.

Stage four the isolation from harmful forces.

Episode six protection from teleportation magic.

Stage one summoned to many times

Stage two summoning ends

Stage three protection spell that make it so someone can't summon amber danae Leatham and hope.

Stage four farms like the cornucopia to feed amber danae Leatham. With all the money needed to life.

Episode seven nothing in heaven of hell will ever harm amber danae Leatham, enkido, or and the nothingness itself can't hurt her anymore.

Stage one protected

Stage two a world big enough for her to explore

Stage three something to make her feel loved

Stage four those who understand her and protect her have a place in her world and no tricks will ever get through.

Episode eight no longer channeling.

Stage one the channeling of other life times happens.

Stage two safe from those in the tower.

Stage three safe from those from outside of the tower.

Stage four everyone is well feed in the tower and all orders to starve the tower fail.

Episode nine those who make it to the top of the 100 floor tower learn what life amber danae Leatham wanted for herself.

Stage one amber danae Leatham gets to write what she wishes for.

Stage two the truth of her life is reviled but she can live in her desired life

Stage three all illusions and orders to torture amber danae Leatham never happen again.

Stage four life for amber danae Leatham changes.

Episode ten the healing of amber danae Leatham

Stage one removing those who harm

Stage two removing those who don't care.

Stage three healing the protected

Stage four keeping her from those who want to harm until they are no more.

Episode eleven the item world

Stage one the item wordier can be used in amber danae Leatham existence no matter where she goes.

Stage two the charaworldier can be used in any world amber danae Leatham goes to.

Stage three the netherworld hospital can be used in any world she lives in.

Stage four the mana store and weapon and item store can be used in any world she lives in.

Episode twelve any item from the netherworld stores can be used in any world by amber danae Leatham. And she can use any money she made on her travels and can get jobs for the store and things will be delivered to her home under her name. from any dimension she has physically been to.

Stage one the dimensional service.

Stage two the chip service.

Stage three the magic service.

Stage four the astral projection service if you have the money from any of these services and have accepted jobs for even astral projection jobs we can give you what you are owed

Cycle 3 end.

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