Chapter witch and skulls
In the netherworlds.
There are witches and skulls.
Skulls are children or descendants of those who were born of death or hades.
Witches are children of the elements and humans who had children with the fay.
Red witches are descendants of the fire elemental of the trigram furnace. And the being that is seen as a fay to the netherworlds the phoenix and a poof of klonoa fur. Born of a human mother.
Green witches are those born of the sky. The winds. Klonoa's wind, a Klonoa fur poof, a feather from a bird, and a sylph. And born in a human mother.
Blue witches are born of the oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, and a sea angel along with an undine, and a poof of fur. And born of a human mother.
Golden witches known as star witches are born of the sun, the stars, Apollo, Helios, and a poof of Klonoa's fur. And born of a human mother.
Purple witches are prism witches, made with gaia soil, Tara clay, and earth rocks, and fragments of invincibility symbols And red geo panel clay, and a poof of klonoa fur. Born of a human mother. meaning that they are earthmakers. They are planets.
Black witches are galaxy witches and are born of nyx, Tezcatlipoca, and dark matter transmuted into something that brings life instead of destroying becoming what I call life matter. A poof of Klonoa's fur. And born of a human mother.
So the witches are really elementals of fire, air, water, sun, earth or planet, and universe.
Which means when you make a witch or one is born.
They have both their human forms. And their spirits. But they also have a second body. Both are linked in life force or chi.
The human form can always come back to life. If they die as long as that second body is alive.
A fire body like phoenix for the fire red witches, air wind sylph bodies for the green witches though they can also be the sky and atmosphere, water blue witches can have a body of water that is them or a sea angle or mermaid or undine or are the oceans and seas, star golden are the suns in the sky, or the stars at night, planet purple are bodies like the earth, and I really don't like whoever destroyed my daughter prima's planet body. But it has been fixed so I'm not as made. Galaxy-black starry skies are what humans call universes. Or space.
And then we move unto the skulls.
Red skull, death, Bahamut, and the fire god logi, and the fire of all creation, a claw or tooth of Klonoa.
Green skull, Hades, Zeus, Ra, the sky primordial, a horn of klonoa unless those were teeth.
Blue skull, angel of death feather, Poseidon, oceanicus and Atlantis gems, and Klonoa claw clippings.
Golden skull Star skull Anubis, Ra, Apollo, golden Witch heir, and klonoa fang.
Prism skull Gaia soil, tara clay, underworld soil, white flower that will not be named but that brings life with it, Klonoa blood. Geo symbol of 20% healing, and invincibility geo symbol, turquoise panel soil
And of course galaxy skulls, I think I used just nyx blood, and star dust that creates universes. And klonoa fur.
Basically they work a little differently from their witch counterparts. They have a god to walk alongside them for as long as they exist and they live for as long as gods do. So basically they are already immortal. And godly figures. Some gods even start-ups had kids from the source of this... mostly because they saw someone making kid homunculi or simulacrums that became living things and asked to do it the fun way.
So yeah both can create universes and elements.
And can be those things at the same time.
This is why people at one point that the netherworlds made gods. They are mostly descendants of those ones now though.

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